
Friday, May 20, 2016

Whoop, Whoop Friday

I'll be Whooping up with Sarah today as I managed to get some things done before I am back on the road again.  First, a baby quilt with simple grid quilting on the center and a loose meander in the border - for one of our students.  Ready for her to pick up on Tuesday.

I managed to get the log cabin blocks not only done, but into a flimsy as well.  This will be going in the donation box with some blocks and other flimsies to head out to Sarah's group.

While the table was cleared, I dumped the baggy of triangles for the Wild & Goosey blocks - I need a lot more blocks.

The big baggy emptied and gone!  I have a few lites for the corners left (don't worry, I know where there is more) and bagged the few pastel triangles for something else down the line.  I know I have more donated triangles somewhere - but I have to pick this project up for now.  20 geese sub-units done - well, sort of.  BUT an empty baggy makes me dance. 

I'm hoping the weatherman finally gets a prediction right - warm and sunny just hasn't happened YET!  I need some outdoor time and vitamin D.  A roast will go in the crock pot so I can make up meals for the next few days, laundry to do, a bit of housework (dusty old houses), and some extra kitty time.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. The log cabin quilt turned out beautifully! Hope you get some sunny skies this weekend.

  2. Your log cabin is beautiful, great colors! Fingers crossed for some sun for you and the furbabies, just not too hot :)

  3. Your log cabin quilt sure came together quickly! It is fresh!

  4. The Log Cabin looks terrific. I love the calming colors in it.

  5. You've been ridiculously productive! Love the log cabin quilt - it's bright and sunny and will be sure to cheer someone up! And those little Wild & Goosey blocks are amazing - but not as amazing as an empty bag! Whoop whoop whoop!!!

  6. Sew fun to have seen these projects in person!!
