
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Slow Sunday Stitching 5/15/16

Slow Sunday Stitching

It's been a couple of weekends since I joined in on a slow day with Kathy, and I need a slow day today.

I need to catch up on my '365' circles.

I want to finish off my projects from yesterday's class.  I know I promised more of this today, but S. and I agreed to 'reveal' about this on our Monday Blog posts.

And after several days of rain and gloom - I think the sun is going to shine today which calls for a walk.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I see 6 new circles and a pretty hexie. Enjoy your walk.

  2. It's a cold and miserable weekend here...which makes a perfect weekend for my Retreat! You have very pretty fabric choices!

  3. I think I know who is visiting you! Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  4. Cold, wet and windy here...a perfect day for inside pursuits! There will be some sewing and maybe some cleaning up in the garage-not fun, but necessary.

  5. I am *so* jealous!! That y'all got to meet each other, I mean! Enjoy your well-deserved slow day today and I'll look forward to the big reveals tomorrow! :)

  6. Enjoy the sun! We had one warm day last week and now they're saying it will snow this morning. How exciting... have a lovely slow Sunday.

  7. Your slow stitching is lovely. That's a pretty hexie. Can't wait to be let in on this mystery.

  8. You always inspire me or peak my curiosity or both. I haven't touch my quilting in over two years. My son who is 39 moved back in with me. Then the mother of his 2 year old daughter went to jail. He is trying to get full custody of her, so she lives with us, too. As of Friday, his 10 year old son is living with us for the summer. Taking care of a 2 year old is exhausting and particularly when she apparently has not been taught any rules. I have fibromyalgia and can barely care for myself. He works S, S, and M from 5:30 AM until usually 5 PM and he has an hour drive each way. Then T and Th, he delivers pizza from 4:30 until ?? I need to see some adults desperately. I thought recently I would try to sew and I, with the help of one friend, rapidly sewed six costumes for a church pageant in December and all my sewing machines that I use (not my family heirlooms) broke. So, the best is in the hospital. Seeing your work makes me want to stitch. I want to cross stitch the Names of Jesus for the ladies in a group that all have become like sisters I never had. So, I want to start trying to do that when everyone except the 10 year old goes to bed. I can play cards with him for a short time, let him play on my computer and stitch for an hour or so (sew). Now I really want to get back to crafting. Thanks, thanks, thanks for the tease.

  9. Enjoy your walk and therapeutic stitching:)

  10. Slow days are always GREAT!!! Enjoy it.

  11. The hexies are lovely ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

  12. Hope you got in some good slow stitching and a nice walk.
