
Friday, May 6, 2016

Just 15 Minutes

By having things prepped, grabbing 15 minutes to sew works well with this busy schedule.  I had to make a few notes to stick in my 'Hillside Houses' tote to remind me of a change.  I thought there were too many blue houses thru the middle and only one brown house in the whole quilt.  So I am changing one blue to a brown (that lite beige).

I found I was behind with the little blocks for the 'Circa 2016' little blocks.  15 minutes is all it takes to quickly make up these blocks.

Since I've already made 100 of these - like stitching in my sleep!  Now I am caught up until next Friday - which won't get done until maybe that following Sunday.

Then the worse thing - someone handed me a bag of scraps!  I should have just tucked it away, but that big tub is empty and stored in a closet now.  NO we are not going to start filling it again.  So I dumped out all these great solids.

I would say that about 60% of them were lining fabrics - coats or for bag linings.  I don't want those in a quilt, but I know someone who can use them and will pass them on.  Some sorting and cutting - these are going into my barrels and string tote.

These, however, are going to be played with.  I fell in love with the 'Maybe Quilt' Tutorial shared by Linda for one of the Hands2Help guest posts.  I'm sure I can grab some bits of time to put this together.

So if you think you don't have time to sew, 15 minutes is all it takes.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. What a great bunch of scraps and you give a lot of them away. They'll look great in that Maybe Quilt.

  2. Good job Sharon! I just took a bag of scraps to school and the kids used them to tie their mother's day books together. THey came out so cute and I got ride of a ton of scraps!! Feels good doesn't it!

  3. You make the most of 15 minutes! Love the house.

  4. WOW! 15 minutes? You must move like a tornado to get all that done!

  5. You're right about 15 minutes. It is amazing what you can get done if you are prepped. Great idea to use those amazing scraps on that maybe quilt. It will be so cheery.

  6. 15 minutes isn't much time. I have found that if I have a few minutes and set out a part of what i want to get accomplished, and then maybe later a bit more, one can really go to it!

    Pam @

  7. You're doing great with all your projects! I almost always prep the next step before I leave the machine to take advantage of the next "15 minutes". Otherwise, I'd never finish anything!

  8. Fortunately, I usually have more than 15 minutes to sew, but I usually leave my embroidery needle threaded for the next time so that I can pick it up and start stitching. The challenge is to leave it alone then, and not just pick up with the stitching again!

  9. You are right. You can always get a lot done when you prep. I love to use wonder clips to prep. They are awesome to keep my block pieces together. I look forward to seeing your Maybe Quilt.

  10. I, too, like to be able to sit right down and go, so I always try to have something prepped ahead.
    I saw a variation of the Maybe Quilt today - using a brightly contrasting square at each end of the strip in the middle of each column. Adds a whole new dimension!

  11. It's amazing what you can do in 15 minutes if you are ready to just sit down and get started. Of course, there is the temptation to stay longer than just 15 minutes. Hope you get a chance to play with your new scraps very soon.

  12. You can get a lot done in 15 minutes if you're focused.
