
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

June 2016 Goals

I'm a flip-flop gal - looking forward to making that flippety-flappity sound while walking outside this June. This should be a quieter month spent at home, so I hope to get my machine really humming along.


This month's color is Aque with an accent of lime.  I should have just enough scraps in this combo for the column quilt.  Something about a split pinwheel design which should make for some fun play.

Quilty Folk

I have my next row ready for this week and want to make it a nightly bit of needle work to unwind with or I can use it for the Slow Sunday Stitching.

                          Dust Off Those Books     Confessions Of A Fabric Addict

I'm combining these two challenges into one project - hey, that's allowed.

I have this tub of scraps that needs serious taming if not emptying.

This is my source for inspiration and one of the quilts on the cover caught my eye.

A colorwash rail quilt - love it.  And I know it will do great work on that tub of scraps.


And I will have a project to share with this Hop
June 02

There is this pile of quilts (think there are 4) to get some quilting done on them.

Over the holiday weekend I managed to empty all of these containers and little baggies to hopefully finish up a project that has been four (?) years in the making.

If I can get Moe to move, I can get the last few rows sewn on and then those quandrants together for a flimsy.

I was hoping to attend this (some of my pieces are going though), but with no vehicle I will be managing the storefront and sewing away.

And I haven't been vending in a long time, so participating in this local venue.

A good month of stay home time - keeping it local.  And I am going to be sure that some where in the mix I am getting myself an icecream cone.  I hear the local Stewarts shop has a new flavor for summer - Blueberry Blush - that I just have to try.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Looks like a well-rounded plan. Too bad ur gonna miss the quilt show. Fingers crossed ur car gets fixed soon. Our Agri-palooza fest is this weekend and volunteer orientation was last night. It's so fun to see how each farm is different. The rest of my month should be spent at home sewing for the Co-Op. That's the plan anyway...

  2. Looks like a great plan! I love that color wash rail quilt. I'm looking forward to seeing how it comes along. Have a great June!

  3. Blueberry Blush sounds lovely. This month sounds so nicely calm except for the enforced stay at home, how much longer til you have your car back?

  4. It sounds like you have another productive month in the works. I can't wait to see that colorwash quilt.

  5. Moe has good taste. Nice looking quilt. Enjoy some blueberry blush for me.

  6. Looks like a full month in the sewing room. Good luck with your goals. Hope you get that ice cream, that sounds really good.

  7. June sounds like it is going to be productive and fun!

    Blueberry blush sounds delish.
