
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Catching up on QALs

Since I finished up my Hillside Houses (viewing tomorrow), I thought I best catch up on the QALs I am following.  I love this 'Adinkra' with Deb Kratovil.  I am using a zig-zag to finish the edges on the fuseable pattern - not something I normally do, but we all need to try different techniques.

And the next 'Westering Women' block with Barbara Brackman.  I still haven't decided what I am doing for sashings.  I do like the simple layout Barb has suggested, but I may wait for all the blocks to select fabrics.

I had the geese and wings cut out long ago and they have sat until now.  The next row of the RSC16 Column Quilt is now attached.

The next little blocks for 'Circa 2016' with Temecula Quilt Co.  I have half of the 2" HSTs done, too.  I did change up those top blocks as she had 4 units within a 3" block - I like doing tiny, but that just was not working for me.  So I cut out a row and column.

Since the circles were prepped, I stitched those (needle turn) inbetween the machine piecing blocks.  I will need one more circle to be up to the end of May, but since I am working a row of 6 at a time that will be caught up next month.

There's still how many days left in May?  No new projects - I have a stack of quilts that need quilting!

I will be posting up the linky for 'Let's Book It' tomorrow, but basically I am taking the rest of the month off for the Holiday weekend. 

Happy and Safe Memorial Day

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Happy Memorial Day! loving all your projects. I am way behind on my RSC as I am still finishing up April on that one. my circle 365 needs some time too. the garden has had precedence over sewing but once this weekend is over it should provide more time to sew.

  2. You've been busy! All of your blocks looks great. I need to make this months Westering Women block, too.

  3. Your blocks are all very nice. You do well to keep up with so many QALs and challenges.

  4. You have such great projects on the go!

  5. Enjoy your long weekend! Looks like you're staying caught up on a lot of projects. I'm happy that this month's Westering Women block is a quick and easy one.

  6. Enjoy your long weekend! Looks like you're staying caught up on a lot of projects. I'm happy that this month's Westering Women block is a quick and easy one.

  7. Love the Adinkra project - somehow I've missed that before. When I went to Ghana we got to see the hand made fabrics and I even bought one of the stamps. I'll need to read more of her blog to "catch up."

  8. It's nice to be caught up, what's that feel like? :)

  9. I think I've asked you you ever sleep?

  10. Great progress, Sharon. I always love your scraps!

  11. Column quilt is looking good! All of them the same length! I'm having problems with mine :(
    Cute tiny blocks. Looking forward to seeing Hillside Houses reveal.
    Have a nice Memorial weekend holiday, dear.

  12. When I saw your pic posted, it looked alot like mine.LOL I especially like what you did with the butterflies.

  13. Wonderful projects in the works. Great progress on the RSC blocks.

  14. So many beautiful projects. It must feel great to be all caught up. Have fun with your quilting.

  15. You sure have been busy catching up on all these projects!

  16. You've done a great job of catching up. Lots of fun projects in the works. Hope you get to do a lot of stitching over the holiday weekend.
