
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Whooping with Kitties

In moving things around with the de-winterizing - I decided to see what was in those huge grey tubs to try and combine two into one.  I found a grocery bag of scraps that someone must have gifted me - I don't reconize any of these as mine.  Rather than stash that bag away again - I played.  Yeah, I finally felt safe with a rotary cutter in my hand.

Some tiny Bow Ties and Churn Dash blocks to add to my collection.

Then I put all those geese  into their 'by 4' setting to make some progress with this project.

Then I pulled my Orange FQ tote to make up the spinners for RSC16.

Then added them to the column quilt in progress.

Where's the kitties?

Bella is still holding a grudge since the trip to the Vet.  Some fresh cat nip in a little scrap batting 'pillow' toy.  She makes short work of ripping a hole in it and spreading it all over.

This is why they get the nip in the kitchen - easier to sweep up the floor. Yes, that is a bit of a blood spot on the floor as 'Miss Thing' tagged me with her claws to grab that nip bag.

Once Bella is done, Moe moves in.  As you can see, he licks the loose stuff off the floor (he doesn't like the toy bag).

And then it's a good roll, and roll, and roll, and roll..................  He actually sweeps most of it up - all stuck to his fur.  Then he goes outside to roll around on the sidewalk or lawn some more (cleans his furs off and marks his territory).  That's when I can get the Swiffer Wet Jet out and clean up the floor.  Hey - it kept them busy and happy while I got to sew.

We are to have a lot of rain today - good sewing weather, but the weekend will be glorious.  Maybe a bit of ME time with a trip out and about needs to be planned.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Wow! Love those spinners. Column quilt is coming along nicely.
    The pictures of your fur babies with their catnip fix are funny. Wonder what it is about catnip that seems to put kittens in a happy stupor.

  2. love all your quilt parts your kitties seem to enjoy their catnip. mine do the same only Dunkin hogs it all. I have to take and put Phoebes away from him. he cant guard both LOL

  3. It takes much skill to make churn dash blocks that small, and I love your spinners. I'm not normally a fan of orange tones but they tone so well with the other colours, very nice.
    Smiles form

  4. I like your little churn dash blocks. I have trouble making large church dash blocks and your little ones are perfect. Your row blocks are looking great. Enjoy your ME time.

  5. You always have so much fun with those blocks. I LOVE those spinners.

  6. You always have the coolest blocks. What an inspiration. Your Bella looks just like my Murphy! :-)

  7. Love all your blocks - especially those spinners. Your column quilt looks beautiful.
    My old cat Gump used to roll in the catnip, then spend the rest of the day licking it out of his fur. And drooling...

  8. That sounds like fun, finding a bag of unknown scraps, it's like a present, LOL. You bribe your babies just like I do to get a bit of unmolested time.

  9. Those spinners are so much fun. Kitties and catnip. They're all the same.

  10. I think Bella and Zorro might get along - they both like to open up the catnip toy! Love those spinners. I never got started on the scrappy challenge this year. I just recently found a block I think I'll make and since it's large I'll just need one in each color. Maybe I'll start when summer hours kick in...

  11. I love other people's scraps, you find all kinds of neat fabric. Love your little churn dash blocks. Your kitties are a riot! lol Hope you have a great weekend with some Me time.

  12. good use f your scraps especially loving the spinners love the block and the colour too. Al cats seem to go bonkers when they get a sniff of cat mint, managed to grow some years ago but not successful since

  13. All of your sewings look wonderful. And the cats. Yes. We have two as well. They make life interesting, don't they?

  14. Lots of fun scrappy blocks. You made good use of all those scraps.

  15. It really does look like they had a great time with the cat nip while you were being so productive.

  16. They do sound like real babies... gotta keep them busy and out of your hair so you can get things done!

  17. I'm not sure which I like better your orange spinners or your spinning cats!

  18. Your spinners are great! They were fun to sew, weren't they? And I think cats getting high are entertaining. My fur kids love the 'nip, too!

  19. LOL the cats are high and I like all your blocks. ;o)
