
Sunday, March 6, 2016

On The Wall 3/6/16

I guess it is part of that scrap challenge, but I pulled my totes of left over Marcus - FQs, scraps, and skinny strings.

Since I have finished up all the testing and quilting projects, I wanted to get started on the Westering Women BOM with Barbara Brackman.  I love the mix of history with quilts.

And I do love the heritage of the old blocks.  While playing with these and going thru those totes, I realized the cut offs and 'too small' bits would be perfect to play with..........

Temecula Quilt Co.'s 'Circa 2016' quilt along.  Yup, I put these little blocks together in a day to catch up with the center medallion of this quilt.  Don't hate me, I just really love playing with little bits and lose myself in them.

Even the next round of blocks got made.  I have no idea how many of these will be addded to the quilt, but I will certainly use my cut-offs from Westering to make these.

And to play along with Monday Making, I will start my 'Let's Book It' project.  I know, I was going to use up those odd layer cakes - BUT, I came across this JR and will use up some odd strips to fill in.

For the life of me, I couldn't get this to photo in true color, but it is blacks, greys, limey greens with just a smidge of yellow thrown in (some of the greens show as yellow).  I hope to get half of the blocks done today.  And this project will give me *bonus* little HSTs for another project.  SCORE!!

**linking to Scraptastic Tuesday**

What are you working (playing) with?
Sewingly Yours,


  1. You are one amazing woman. I can't believe what you get up to...and what you accomplish... xox

  2. Wow, looks like you've had a fantastic time playing with your scraps and blocks! The Circa 2016 project is looking great! :)

  3. You are incredible. My brain feels like it's going to explode just looking at all those blocks you make.

  4. I'm with you on enjoying the history with the Westering Women, it's fascinating. I like your pile of black, whites and limey greens, I've seen a few quilts with those colors and they're beautiful.

  5. I can see how much fun you have playing with scraps. You take little pieces and bring them to life as a beautiful quilt. Thanks for alway encouraging us to use our scraps.

  6. You certainly do a great job of using up all those little bits.

  7. I think we need a new nick name for you amazing quilter guru! Your accomplished blocks are wonderful, but that Circa 2016 has me drooling over it:) Great job.

  8. Really love your Westering blocks and Temecula centre. I have started the Westering as well, and am tempted with the Temecula. Yours are gorgeous!

  9. You are a machine! I love your Temecula!

  10. I'm enjoying your Circa 2016 vicariously - I wanted to do it but wisely realized my hands were full with the 365 Challenge. So I'm going to continue to admire yours with great enthusiasm!
    I love watching you play with your scraps. So many pretty quilts!

  11. You have been busy stitching. Fun to see your Temecula blocks. I'm trying to catch up! Resisting the Splendid Sampler and Westering Women for now.

  12. I'm loving your Westering Women blocks! I've got to get mine done!

  13. Loving your play! And your plans! And the thought of bonus HSTs! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday!

  14. Wow you are amazing what you can accomplish.

  15. You really get a lot done. Your Temecula quilt is looking great.
