
Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday Making 2/8/16

Build a House for a Neighborhood

Today I want to play in the Neighborhood.  I participated in all of Beth's past house block parties and now it is being resurrected by Hilachas.  A 12.5" unfinish house block to add to the lotto pile and maybe you will win a neighborhood.

I never won a neighborhood, but one year Beth gifted those who participated with the little fussy cut house.  I turned it into a little wall hanging as a memory piece - this goes back to 2011.

So I have pulled my plaids, shirts, and homespuns to build a house as they are due by March 1st.  One house block shouldn't take long and I can pop it right in the mail.  Heck, I should be able to make two - send it for the charity 'neighborhood' quilt planned.  Won't you build a house?

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Lovely house... Built my and sent awhile ago.

  2. Cute idea to win a neighborhood, there's something about house blocks that is so appealing.

  3. That house is a beauty. What fun to participate!!

  4. What fun...wish I could stay home and sew and I'd join ya. :) :)

  5. I love houses, as you know. I can't wait to see what you design, those plaids are intriguing!

  6. Your plaids will make a wonderous house.

  7. I've not made a house for a quilt, but every time I see one I think I should do it. Plaids will make a beautiful house for the neighborhood!

  8. Already sent my house in. I still have that tiny house that Beth sent years ago. I've added a sawtooth border, but it still sits on my design wall waiting for further inspiration.

  9. I've never heard of this house block party but sounds like fun. I look forward to seeing your block. Good luck with the neighborhood giveaway.

  10. I have been watching Irene's houses getting built so it is fun to see yours too. I guess there are some advantages to using a machine. Have fun!

  11. Thanks for joining the Neighborhood Party and telling all your blogging friends about it. Can't wait to see your house. It's all so much fun!

  12. How cute!! I look forward to seeing if you win a neighborhood!! LOL!!

  13. Love that quilt you made in 2011. FUN!

  14. Sounds likes a very fun block party.
