
Thursday, January 7, 2016

National Argyle Day

I don't think I own a thing with an Argyle pattern in it these days - but I do remember as a kid having an ugly sweater I hated to wear.  Now I see 4-patches and chains in this pattern.

Instead, I am playing with dots.  So far I have kept up with the 365 quilt.  I have made up half of my background 2-rail setting blocks so I can add the day's circle to it.  And even if I fall behind on this at some point, it will all be there and I can at least cut a circle for the day - pin it, and then do them up with a Slow Sunday Stitching day.

And I cut all my white strips for the 'Dottie' pattern for my Let's Book It project.  I switched from the white on white (when I opened it up I discovered it was an extra wide backing-saving) and pulled my faithful Kona White.  I hope to get at least half the strip sets sewn today.

I was hoping to have one of my minis a finish, but I fell into another project.  My Mom was trying to fix my aunt's 'quilt as you go' project without much success.  She attached blocks while I attached rows.  And yes, I got to put the binding on.  This confirmed - I will never make a quilt with this method! Oh wait - I just did - sort of. My aunt will be surprised as she gave the blocks to my Mom to use elsewhere, pass on, or throw out - when she comes to sew next week we will give it to her.

And I have no furkid photos - they are in the dog house of late.  Too much bickering between them has led to the flyswatter being out - must be the cold weather making them grumpy.

Back to my dots.............

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Goodness. You have been busy! I look forward to seeing what you do with those circle blocks.
    I can you scolding those grumpy, bickering fur babies. I like summer better than winter, too.

  2. your dots are coming along well, not sure what your lets book it project is but no doubt will be reading more about it as it grows. I know what you mean re starting new projects before others are finished think we are all guilty of that

  3. love your 365 circles and idea of the background. I am still up in the air about the project. keeps calling me. I cant decide on a background, light? dark? but it sure would use up some scraps around here. have to ponder more.....

  4. Your circles are looking good. your tactic is much like mine. I pull the circle and pin to background each day....easy to catch up sewing a few of them.

  5. What a nice surprise for your aunt, I've never been interested in the quilt as you go thing so thanks for the reinforcement. Isn't winter the time to curl up together on a soft quilt? The furkids should know that by now.

  6. Nice to see you are keeping up with the 365 project! It will be super when finished!

  7. Nice 365 blocks. I look forward to see your Dottie quilt. I have a UFO Dottie blocks in a box just waiting for me to finish.

  8. I love your circles! That is going to be a fun quilt when finished.

    That argyle pattern would make a great quilt. Hmmm.

  9. Oh you're good keeping up with the 365. I've decided to put that off until Mike retires and we make our big trip back east. I want to make mine from regional prints when I visit quilt shops. Debbie at Stitchin' Therapy gave me a good idea for putting scraps of fabric in a bin starting with the regional prints already in my stash. I need to make a note to myself to start that, and then I'll have something to keep me busy on that trip. It's still almost two years ago, but ya gotta plan ahead, right?

  10. Progress on multiple fronts. The big dots look great and love the pattern for the little dots. Looking forward to seeing both move farther along.
