
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Let's Book It Linky - January 2016

Dust Off Those Books
Welcome to our first linky party for Let's Book It.  If this is new to you, I have a tab at the header.  BUT basically it is to encourage you to dust off those books and magazines on the shelf, look thru those saved computer files, patterns crammed in a drawer - pull one and use it.  It doesn't have to be a finish and if you chose a big project, break it down into steps thru the months - but use those projects you so wanted to make long ago.

My project was a printed off free pattern from Moda Bake shop - Dottie.  I was drawn to it the minute I saw it and then had seen some fellow bloggers use it with the RSC.  Some 2.5" strips bought on sale during Cyber Sales and fabric sitting to long on the shelf was pulled.


I made fewer blocks (which means I have lots of left over strips for another project) and added a small outer border.  This was my goal to at least get this to a flimsy for the month.  Like I said - it is not about the finish, but using that 'have to make' pattern.  I actually am planning to quilt this over the weekend - after I do my SIL's latest finish.  Hey, she finished her's first, so it get's quilted first.

And this year?  Well I fell in love with the 'love bug' charm holder pin.  Who needs a reason to go on a road trip for fabric?  And it is The Pin Peddlers 30th anniversary - a special edition anniversary charm was designed 'Modern Spinning Star'.  A great way to start the Let's Book It linky for 2016.

Now it's your turn to share
 * and I see linky saw book as boot - so have a laugh*   


  1. Congrats on Dottie! it's a colorful and fun quilt. Maybe one day soon, I'll actually have a quilt to post about!

  2. Yeah, I'm so happy to see "Boot It" back although taking off December was a very good idea :)

  3. Great project to start things off! So glad we are a go for this year!

  4. Hi Sharon this is a great idea so i hope to link up next month xx
