
Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Well, we finally have winter here .  Not a huge blizzard, but snow with winds that caused white outs and sub temps.  Great for staying inside and sewing.  And I think I needed that to get some things done.

My first finish for 2016!  It's hard to see the stitching because it's black on black and in the ditch - HA.  Yeah, hard on the eyes at times, but my Ott light is a huge help.

And as much at the front is scraps, so is batt and binding and backing - that fabric is all used up!  Well, I think a couple of squares went into the barrel.

Not sure why this one came out so orange because it's the same fabrics as the little one.  But my 2nd finish for 2016.  This one I did just machine stitching with 'in the ditch' and some lined quilting in the black border.

The backing again was a piece just large enough  (had to piece the hanging sleeve) and used up!  After I saw this photo, I so changed that label as it looked too much like a diaper to me.

I cut some scraps for leader/ender spool blocks.  I'll use the RSC16 to work these.

Here's the few I managed to get done while working on my Let's Book It blocks.

And when you been away from the machine for a while, you make mistakes.  Even though I laid these right out in order, I still put a few together wrong - geesh!!

Eventually I managed to get half the blocks sewn together.  The original pattern sets them 6 x 6 (no border) for a 72" quilt, but I am setting them 4 x 5 blocks and will add a border for a lap size.

And Bella has decided that it is OK to sleep on the 'half' couch that has been moved. She is scared by winds and just kind of collapses after a nervous breakdown.  Moe has been brave and done his property patrols in these storms.  Where he has been napping when he comes in - don't know - you never know where you will find him.

BUT they will have to fend for themselves today because it is going to be nicer weather, so my SIL and I are heading out with a friend  ................

We're doing it again!
           Our Big Sale
    January 14TH - 18TH

             All Fabric $5.00
New Jelly Rolls, Layer Cakes and Fat Quarters-Special promotion 50% off.                   
        All notions, kits, Patterns & pre-cuts 25% off - All books 45% off
                                            *no online orders
The Patchwork Co | 5326 State Rt 23 Windham, NY | |

Sewingly Yours,


  1. 2 great finishes I much prefer dark borders sashing etc to light.Your have been busy making more blocks too, so annoying isn`t it when you put a block together wrong, why dies it take so much longer to unpick than to stitch!Bella looks warm and cosy. The cold is about to hit us, the weekend is going to be very cold but sunny and dry

  2. Sounds like the northern states were hit hard by the Artic blast. Glad you and the fur babies stayed warm inside. Congratulations on two finishes! Already this year! As well as some blue scrappy fun. Have a good time at the sales : )

  3. Great the photo of the Snow as it cools me down... Nearly 100 here today....
    Have a great shopping day...

  4. No matter how careful I am it seems I always put one block wrong, at least you saw it before they were all pieced together. Bella on the blanket and couch was like a game of where's Bella, she blended beautifully.

  5. Love the finishes, and great way to start off the year. A sale.....and I just went on a fabric Bundle up and enjoy.

  6. You've been many great finishes! No snow here, just a little cold. Loving it! Bella looks very comfy all curled up. Sweet kitty pic!

  7. Hunker down and enjoy your stitching! I'm glad to say that our ice and snow is finally starting to melt away! I do love seeing all your's so motivating! ;-)

  8. Congratulations on your two finishea! Winter has arrived here too , had about 20 cm. Early yesterday morning and today it is blowing around .

  9. Yuck snow. You can keep it. We had a dusting last night. Hopefully that's all we get for awhile.
    Congrats on the finish its lovely!

  10. So busy! I think Bella and I are on the same page....grin. Today is hazy, but the last two days were in the 60s and sunshiny. We actually got to sit out on the patio and play with the neighbor cats. Ella of course was giving us dirty looks through the window.

  11. Oh I love your blue tumblers. So glad you finally got some wintery weather (Though I am not a fan of wind) Bella has the right idea for sure!! Enjoy your winter sewing.

  12. Its almost time for spring. A shortened winter was nice.

    I love that string finish and the blues look so pretty too.

  13. Hi Sharon ,wow 2 finishes already ,boy you are amazing my friend,and poor Bella,she looks very snug on the couch,hope you have a lovely time out with your SIL Sharon xx

  14. I have a terrible time stitching on black too Sharon - I keep my machine in front of a window, use an ott light pluse a light strip under the arm of my machine plus one of those little led lights that bend! And honestly, I need it all. :( blessings, marlene

  15. Congrats on the two finishes! You definitely made good use of your blizzard!

  16. We had snow here too at the weekend, but it's all gone again now.

  17. You have been a buzy bee. I'm trying to catch up on all my blog reading to see what everyone has been up too.
    Next I need to post my own blog.
