
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Best of 2015

Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs has a brilliant way for you to share your 'best' of 2015.  She has some suggestions on how to select your five best posts, write up a post, and then share on the linky party.  This certainly helped me as I was trying to compile my end of the year post and this works perfectly for it.

** just click on the header to take you to the post for more information **

This post on borders helped me to realize I AM NOT ALONE - so many others put off adding those borders, question how to border, and is it the best border.  OR like me, chose quilt patterns and designs where there is just no need for a border.

Hands 2 Help is a very dear project for me as I do love to make charity quilts.  This year there was an awesome share of 'sweet 16' patterns to encourage quilters to participate.  Some super quest quilters sharing posts - to which I was pleased and honored to be one of them.

Dust Off Those Books
A project and linky I started in 2014 and 2015 saw some amazing projects, too.  An idea to hit those books, magazines, filed away projects and actually use them rather than having them collect dust!


I know it has been a huge help to me in finally playing with some great projects that never would have come to be.  And by pulling those books, I found more inspiration - did some clear out (we grow in our taste) - and library shared with some students.

Coming in August! 

Another dear project to me is the annual Pets on Quilts Show hosted by LilyPad Quilting.  Many quilters are pet owners and/or pet lovers and we all have those photos and quilts to prove it.

And I rounded out the end of the year (fall into winter) with doing some traveling to demonstrate and teach handquilting and history of quilts/quilting.  Sharing the venue with other local fiber artisans at many of the events - meeting wonderful people and such joy in the experience of sharing this with others. I look forward to doing this again next year.

** linking up HERE - please share a post **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. A little walk down memory lane, you reminded me of some of my favorites of yours :)

  2. Great walk back thru last year! It's a good thing to review and see where we want to go this year. And I am so glad to continue Let's Book It.

  3. I'm hoping to join atleast one of your Books it this year (SMILES) A good summary of your activities....Have a great day Sharon.

  4. Great choices. Your work is always so beautiful and I can't imagine limiting it to so few picks.

  5. All good choices. I spent some time trying to choose five yesterday, and couldn't make up my mind. Might do one of the kitties talking, but I'm still mulling it over.

  6. Great post! You've made some beautiful quilts! :)

  7. You finished lots of beautiful scrappy quilts this year. Hoping 2016 is even more productive for you.

  8. I jumped into the Best of 2015 linky party -- so far you're the one blogger that I recognized. So many quilts, so many ideas. Here's to 2016!

  9. Beautiful quilts, great choices to highlight! Thanks for linking up!

  10. Wonderful quilts! Loved seeing these over the past year!
