
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Being Gifted

No - not me gifted, but blessed that I have such lovely people gifting me.  One of our students who is a librarian in her little town, was gifted these magazines for donation into the library.  Well, she thought of me and I have the pleasure of using these - and they will get re-donated.  We, also, had a good laugh as two of these have my Mother's mail sticker on them - they found their way home.

This cutie came from Lynette as a thank you for hosting Let's Book It.  Henry Glass' cute 'Miss Kitty' fabrics and the sweet selvedge add the perfect framing.  It resides with some other little kitty pieces gifted me from bloggy friends on the front of my fridge.

I have been admiring Sheila's work with recycled men's shirts, not just quilts but also these great bags.  And she sent me one!  I tried to photo the inside, but it wouldn't really show - she used the front of shirts with the pocket for the lining/ pocket - just a super idea.   I've already tucked some items in this for use.

Sweet Dawn sent me this wonderful bundle of goodness.  Some seasonal FQs, little zip pouch (tucked in my new bag), mug rug (already in use), and magnet note pad.  I LOVE magnet pads and I just used up my last one - now residing on the fridge and in use.


I am doing a little sewing - really.  I forced myself to finish the quilting on these two small wall hangings and the bindings ready.  I'll get these on and ready for Slow Sunday Stitching - while I watch a Holiday movie.

And as much as I hate snow - would love some right now to make the Christmas magic - we are warm and dry here in New York, strange.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. so glad your pkg arrived safely. Merry Christmas my friend! I hear you about the snow. it doesnt seem like Christmas without it

  2. Those are some lovely gifts!!! I agree on the snow - it's not Christmas without it - but unless there are some drastic weather changes PDQ it's not gonna happen...

  3. No snow here either but considering how rough the last couple winters were, I'm not complaining. Although I agree, it just doesn't seem quite like Christmas with out a little snow.

  4. So many nice gifts and the magazines finding their way home made me laugh, I'm trying so hard to clear mine out :) Your weather is just a little cooler than we are, maybe that front coming through will give you some white for Christmas.

  5. wonderful that tote bag too! Funny that the magazines returned must need to do a project from them.

  6. You are truly loved and appreciated, Sharon. Funny how the magazines returned to your home. A second chance to use some of their ideas.

  7. Some lovely gifts came your way and a cute story on the magazines , nice the magazine found its way back home .

  8. You got some wonderful gifties indeed! That's because you are so sweet. :) :) :)
    I love how your mom's magazines found their way home. How cool is that!

  9. Lots of wonderful gifts! I love that bag! I will be checking out Sheila's blog. There is nothing better than some slow stitching in the evening.

  10. That men's shirt bag is wonderful - such a great idea. I'm sure that the snow will soon be coming. I hope you get some for Christmas.

  11. I have some of those very same magazines! I just found my cache recently and have been thumbing through them. I made quite a few miniature quilts from them back in the day.
    Lovely gifts! Enjoy!
    And maybe we could just get a bit of snow on Christmas eve, then have it melt away again on the 26th... (Not a fan of snow. I lived too many years in Vermont...)

  12. Looks like some fun gifts to play with. Snow would be fun. It's supposed to be 61 Christmas day here.
