
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Bye, Bye - How Time Flies

She thrilled us with her colors that soon turned into muted hues.  She gave us some warth, some blustery days, some rain, some snow, some cold, the last of a season's harvest bounty, and a time for us to reflect on being Thankful.  And today, with a whisper of a wind, she will be gone.

I managed to get the 'Heritage Star' quilt top together using Barbara Brackman's Stars in a Time Warp - history of vintage fabrics that I found so fascinating and perfect to work this piece.  Still no full photo of this one and it will have to wait for it's finish in the new year - then you can see it in it's grandeur.

My 'Let's Book It' project was finished (although a finish isn't necessary) just in time for the linky party.

'Tucker' was a finish with the sew along with Heart Spun Quilts.  She will be having a parade of Tuckers December 15th and I can't wait to see how everyone finished theirs off.

I got some pillowcases done for collection at our next Quilt Guild meeting.  I used the Hot Dog tutorial (many on the internet).  These go to a local charity for Christmas baskets and we usually collect an average of 60 pillowcases.

And I made one of each animal binky bibs with this pattern for one of our sewing students.  They are very quick to make, but they certainly are smaller than what appears in the photo cover.  I ended up making them exactly to the pattern - hanger and velcro - rather than change things.

The next four blocks with the Moda Shuffle Sampler.  Two blocks come out every Friday, but I wait for every other release and then pull 4 layer cakes to play with the 4 blocks.  Although I found I tried to use some of the left overs from the last group into some of these - no waste!

There was some other block and scrap play while cleaning, clearing, re-organizing - but that was just for fun stuff and long term projects.  I took part in the 'Pup' parade and the 'Trunk Show', too - but that was just photo stuff.

I slacked on the hand stitching and really want to get that back into my work ethic.  Maybe that pink star quilt needs to come back out as the orange peels just don't strike me right now.

How was your November?

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Everything is scrumptious! The bibs are precious, even if they are smaller than you'd anticipated. Love your Moda Shuffle Sampler blocks too much. Wish I wasn't getting ready to head south for the winter or I'd jump right in and get to work catching up!

  2. Lovely projects. I really like your Let's Book It project. It looks like spring and I am ready for warmer weather. Unfortunately I have a long wait until spring. Your Tucker project is very pretty.

  3. You've been busy. I've been cleaning (deep cleaning, like spring cleaning) getting ready for guests and 2 parties at our home.

  4. Fun, fun post, Sharon!! Everything is great!! I especially love Tucker, the bibs and the Moda Schuffle blocks!! And isn't that a great way to make fast, easy pillowcases? Hope you had a wonderful weekend!!

  5. Busy November, but no busier than yours. You accomplished a lot in a short period of time. I love those binkie animals.

  6. You were very productive Sharon. The little peak we got of Heritage Star is intriguing.

    I have never seen the binky animal bibs before but what a clever idea. I have seen binkies with stuffed animals on the end but that seems a little strange seeing kids walk around with an animal sticking out of their mouth.

  7. I have enjoyed the Time Warp Stars, too. I need to get mine made into a flimsy. Looks like you used two sizes of the stars. Your Tucker is different with 2 rows of flying geese.

  8. I have enjoyed the Time Warp Stars, too. I need to get mine made into a flimsy. Looks like you used two sizes of the stars. Your Tucker is different with 2 rows of flying geese.

  9. Love the Let's Book it project. I've never seen the binky bibs. A most excellent idea!

  10. You had a productive November.

  11. I love the fabric choices in your four blocks! And your binky bibs make me want to get to the sewing machine and give that a try!
