
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fall Colors

We aren't seeing many super colors this year due to the hot, dry summer.  I thought I should grab a few photos as the trees are not just coming into  changing color, but dropping their leaves quickly.

It's hard to get a photo without some poles and lines.  Panning from the top of the hill starting at our lane.

And then off to the right.  The corn is ready for harvest (feed corn for cattle) and has this wonderful golden mist to it.

Coming up the lane - hard to see, but right in the middle where that little orange tree is there is a pond over that bank.  Even that is showing signs of wintering up.

Further up the lane and the start of the many wood stacks.  They are reminders of each tree that we lost with the different wind storms.

This old tree has been damaged for many years from many storms.  Putting up new little shoots and carrying on the legacy of this grand old gal.

A lot of our regular customers have left and the winter birds are starting to appear.  The Jays are enjoying the feeders now that the crowd is gone.

And the back 40 where the apple trees are.  Our apples were early and most of the trees are  bare of fruit - the mini trees have most of their leaves gone, too.

Things are getting ready to slumber and we are heading into a rather early cold spell (that drat 4 letter word has been stated for the weekend - snow).  So, I think I am off to put dinner in the crockpot and then turn that sewing machine on.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Snow? you got to be kidding as it is only October! Glad you took some photos before. Our color is just beginning but most of the trees are dropping leaves early.

  2. It all looks so beautiful and colorful. We've had a few trees starting to show some yellow, but not much. Thanks for sharing a view of your area!

  3. Pretty pictures. We've had the same thing here...leaves just drying up and falling off rather than changing colors, although we've had plenty of color too. It's chilly here this morning. I had to put on a sweatshirt.

  4. Snow...already? Wow. That will make for a long winter. The fall colors are always so delightful, but should last longer. ;-)

  5. We're not seeing much color here in Nashville either Sharon - such a shame! But it has been a nice October with lots of cooler temps and crisp sunshiny days!

  6. Snow! Oh no!!! Love seeing the trees turn and as we have had quite a bit of rain where we are in the UK the leaves are really bright this year and are just falling. Hope you stay warm and safe. Happy sewing. Susie x

  7. Our's look like that, to dry to be pretty

  8. I have not thought about snow at all until I read your post. I will have to check on the maples in our yard when we get home to Washington state tomorrow. Visiting in Atlanta now a lovely day about 74 degrees.

  9. I think our long dry summer brought the same results. No snow here for a very long time.

  10. Things are so different here in the south. I am already missing NJ's fall. By the time I visit in Nov it will all be over so thanks so much for the peek at the change of seasons. I heard on one of the talk shows that you can buy a bag of fallen leaves on the internet for $19.00 what a hoot.

  11. Beautiful pictures. I can't believe winter is around the corner. We will probably have our first frost this weekend. The leaves will peak this weekend, then start to fall off. Difficult to believe winter is almost here.

  12. Hi Sharon,what a beautiful place you live at,the pics are wonderful so pretty,oh boy snow,keep warm my friend xx

  13. I love these pictures but what a shame there isn't a riot of color going on. I've been hearing reports of a snowy winter coming and it always makes me think of you. Borders, tiny blocks, snow = Sharon :)

  14. Your fall is looking like ours, lots of fallen leaves and a few pops of fall color here and there. We had a wet spring and summer, but for some reason the trees aren't looking very colorful this year.
