
Monday, September 21, 2015

What a WeekEnd

This is were I spent my weekend for the Schoharie Colonial Heritage Antique Show with special exhibit of Quilts/quilters and Hooked Rugs/rug hookers.

Just going to walk you around the room before the crowd - and we did have a lovely crowd both days.  This is the rug hookers work/demo area.

And YES, that tall standing Santa was rug hooked!  Amazing!!

I loved these little round table toppers - reminded me of my gr.gram.

This is our 'quilters' work station.  ANd I have no pics of us we were busy.  Stef and I demonstration hand and machine quilt work and Sharon demonstrated and had lots of info on the Quilt Barn Trail.

Yes, I took my little travel machine and freaked people out with my little bits of frabric - working a scrappy Irish Chain.

A photo op area, but I think only one couple used this.  It also helped block off the area where Sharon had a lovely slide presentation of the various blocks on the Quilt Barn Trail.  They will have 100 blocks up by the end of this year.  The lovely Suzi Parron came to speak at one of their functions a couple of years ago (just starting) and she is coming back next year as part of her second book release - and YES, Schoharie County is going to be part of it.

The two large quilts showcased against these large walls are Centenial Quilts made by local residents.  The Red/White quilt we were very lucky to have for the weekend as it has been traveling to various shows and museums.  A Friendship Quilt that is embroidered/signed in the white squares by all the families in the town of Schoharie - date 1898.  In fabulous condition!!

The County Quilt was a communities project with a quilter from each town making a block and others completing embroiders, borders, lettering, seals.

The large wall hooked rug was made for the Brandt Raid on the Valley - info on that HERE.

This was such a cute vignette of family mini pieces - Barbara, see all the kitties?  Love, love the fat cat!!

It was a lovely weekend.  A nice stream of people that kept us happily busy, but not overwhelmed.  They talked, took part in demos, and simply soaked it all in which was just thrilling for us.  We were so tickled when the committee told us they had such a wonderul feedback on this exhibit that they would like to invite us back next year.

Now I have had my breakfast, coffee - need to get prepared to head off this morning for another event.  I hope to catch up on all the blog reads later today.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Sounds like a great event. I wish I could have been there. How exciting to be invited back. Great job Sharon. Rest up.

  2. Wow. Some fabulous pieces for your show. Looks like a wonderful event, and fun to participate.

  3. It sounds like it was a wonderful weekend. I'll have to look up the information on the barn quilt trail. . . . .might get DH to go camping in the area so we can plan some fun drives through the area.

  4. What a wonderful event! Thanks for sharing all the photos and info on what was shown and shared. I love these type of events. Sounds like you gals were a big hit.....glad you amazed them with your small bits of fabric. Such fun!

  5. Looks like a very successful weekend. I saw lots of lovely quilty goodness. Thanks so much for sharing the pics!

  6. Oh it looks like you had fantastic eye candy to entertain all the visitors to your demos. I saved the barn trail link a few weeks ago. Hoping to see some of them next spring!

  7. Great pictures from a very delightful weekend, thanks for sharing. Ahah! I spied a lozenge quilt in that last photo, was that your leader-ender project?

  8. That's the kind of show I'd love to attend. Freaking out the guests? that's funny. It's nice that you did so well and will be invited back. Doing you bit to keep the tradition going.

  9. So much fun! I wish I could have been there : )

  10. I am in awe of the Santa !! The whole exhibit seems to have set the mood for everyone.. Oh for the days of a calmer time..
    Thanks Sharon for sharing.

  11. It looks like there were ALL kinds of goodies to see there! What a nice display! I am sure you will need to rest a while after such a busy weekend!

  12. It looks like a great weekend and a beautiful place for an event like that. I'm glad it was well attended.

  13. This looks like a wonderful event, a chance to slow down, learn and just enjoy.

  14. Wow, looks like a very fun and educational event.
