
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The End of Sept - Hello Fall

I am so glad that September is over.  I have learned (the hard way) not to over book myself.  BUT I did enjoy the adventure and companionship on those quilty journeys.  And, I totally missed there was a designated 'season' change day.  Here in the NorEast, you just go with Mother Nature - not the day on the calendar.

My goals for the month were small:

RSC15 - a month of a color I seldom use and actually bought fabric so I could play with my block making projects.

Slow Sunday Stitching was actually done on my weekend travels.  Demonstrating hand quilting on that home spun star quilt and there is a tray of 'melon' (or you may know them as pumpkin seeds) blocks to demo needle turn applique.


Let's Book It was completed with this table topper - a small project that fit in with the busy schedule.

I did get in some pedal to the metal sewing time at our quilt guild's Sit and Sew day.

I think I got four more of the Heritage Star blocks done.

Got a late start on Kaaren Johnston's mystery quilt - it still looks this way.

And I tried to work on the Goosey blocks to keep up with the snippets - didn't get far with this one either.  But this is a fun, long term project so I am not concerned.

Have you found yourself reviewing your projects?  Changing the color fabrics and patterns to follow the changing season?  Even the food has changed - fruits and veggies of the season leading to comfort foods.  We've had some really cold nights and the hot chocolate came out to take the chill off.

And now I am thinking - when will the first day of snow come,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. You always keep very busy Sharon on some wonderful projects.
    Love stopping in for a visit. xox


  2. bite your tongue on the snow girlfriend! LOL we had a record breaking 100 inches last year and i wont be disappointed if I dont see any heehee although i do enjoy a good snowball fight now and then......... love your projects

  3. I won't be disappointed if I don't see snow, too! September was a busy month for you, but just look at all you've accomplished!

  4. I'm thinking when will it finally cool down. Your list of accomplishments, and how nice they all are, is inspiring. The house quilt has a nice autumn feel.

  5. Fall is always so beautiful, I'm looking forward to changing leaves pictures. Our hot chocolate nights are still a long way off.

  6. A good month....lots of projects and that full calendar. Love fall but all we have had is rain. Hoping for some sun soon.

  7. I am ready for Fall and cooler temps. We're going out to get some apples today!!! Love seeing all your different projects. I didn't do much with orange this month.

  8. I love your little table topper. Very cute pattern. I've learned not to over book myself the hard way too. Sewing time is good therapy.

  9. I'm thankful for the cooler weather, but I lived in Vermont way too long to ever look kindly on snow...
    I love all your projects. I'm looking forward to seeing Heritage Star all put together.

  10. What great pieces - LOVE, LOVE the table topper.

  11. I really like your Pine tree table topper! I can't say that my quilting ever changes much with the seasons due to deadlines but I am dying for a day to be home and make some soup and bread! Hopefully Sunday as it's supposed to be rainy and mid-50s.

  12. This has been a very busy month for you. I don't think the season changes the colors I use in my quilts. I know I'm busier toward the end of year as I get ready for Christmas. I use my crock pot more!
    I hope we don't see much snow this winter. Hope we so NO ice! That's what we usually get and that makes driving impossible.
    Love your table topper and your wall hanging. Please sew and blog on, dear.

  13. Looks like you had an enjoyable month with a lot of wonderful work done :)

  14. You had a pretty busy month in September, so you made a lot of progress considering your schedule. Our highs have finally dropped below 80 this week. It's not quite fall yet here weather wise, but we are getting there.
