
Friday, September 11, 2015


Like so many, I needed a day to reflect silently.  My Mom, SIL and I did go here to take care of some last minute business for our event in October.  It was peaceful, finished quickly, and a little stroll thru the herb and flower gardens was a bit refreshing.

I thought it a good day to work on my 'Heritage Stars' while in silent thoughts.  Even Bella was a comfort at my side most of the day - animals have that 6th sense, don't they?

These are using the same mix of fabrics as in Kaaren's Mystery quilt.  Since I have only 10 more small stars to make, I thought I should start making the 12 large stars to be sure I had enough fabrics for them. 

I found this to be just the 'calm' I needed for the day.

This quilt is worked in sections that get puzzled together.  I'll work a little more on this today and then it needs to be put aside as I have a special event on Sunday.  I need to be sure my camera and phone are charged, clothes ready and my notes.  Hopefully I will remember to take photos so I can share on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Lovely star blocks within a star block.

  2. Great stars. Yes, we all need some quiet time, here and there. Hope your event goes well.

  3. Your star blocks are turning out beautifully.

  4. Your star blocks are just so darn pretty! Love the pattern with the different sizes and styles of the stars.

  5. This is going to be a beautiful quilt! I hope all goes well on Sunday.

  6. Those stars are fabulous. I love that silent, contemplative time.

  7. Heritage Stars were the perfect project to accompany your reflective state Sharon. It is hard to believe it has been 14 years since that horrible day when so many innocent lives were lost - and our own innocence as well. I remember saying to my boss that morning, "this may change the world as we know it forever." And she looked at me as if I were just being dramatic, shook her head and walked away. But it did indeed change our world, didn't it? It always does my heart good to know that others also feel the need for reflection and reverence on 9/11.

  8. Your stars are looking good. It seems you found the best way for a quilter to remember.
