
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Not on My Schedule

I didn't get a photo of the other quilt, but I did up a cute snuggle quilt full of colorful Unicorns for my Aunt.  So my Mom thought I could do this one for her while I was at it.  

I photo quilt of all her 'old' quilts that have been gifted on.  My one sister did up the photos on treated fabric from Mom's quilters diary.  She wants this for our October show so the pressure is on me to quilt it so she has time to bind it - so it's ready.  I will be behind on my schedule now - or I can just not sleep.

I did take time to go thru my notebooks of printed/saved projects to find my next Let's Book It.  This is a Pie Plate Patterns free pattern from 2008, but I didn't start quilting until 2009 so I probably caught this before it got pulled. It's just 22" and worked from scraps, so I should be able to get to this. 

I had to share Moe in a Box - well, sort of.......... how can that be comfortable?  Grabbing a few winks, while I tried grabbing some organized time inbetween quiltings.  He's suppose to remind you that today is the last day to vote over at the Pets on Quilts Show.

Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow, so a good day to finish up the last of the quilting on my Mom's piece - then back to my schedule.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Some clever person needs to come up with a caption for that last photo of Moe. He looks pretty darn tuckered.

  2. What a great idea for a photo quilt, one of all the quilts she's made. Hope you can get that fit in without getting too far behind on the rest of your schedule.

  3. Oh I just love that photo of Moe....... Hahahahaha

  4. That picture of Moe is hysterical. Have fun quilting.

  5. What the heck do you have Moe doing; plowing fields or something? He looks like he just dropped from exhaustion. What a funny pic. Keeping track of your mother's quilts is such a nice thing; the future generations will appreciate it.

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhh Moe stole the show yet again. That cat is passed out! Too much catnip.

  7. I feel your pain about schedules - I added a special ministry quilt to my list of things to do this week (for a couple whose baby is dying) and then on top of that, I've managed to get two more commission jobs this week, both due before Christmas! I think I'll have to give up sleeping, too..... LOL!

  8. I guess you just keep working and let Mr. Moe do the sleep part of the equation.

  9. Hi Sharon what a wonderful idea for a quilt,it will look awesome and lol Moe is so funny,what a funny place to sleep,lol xx

  10. First you have some free time and now you're behind schedule, isn't life grand? Moe's picture is so funny, he was obviously out late "catting" around. LOL.

  11. Love how Moe has his face planted firmly in that box, LOL. Our Baxter used to fall asleep like that on top of the hamster cage.
    What a fun idea from your Mom - a quilt of quilts!
    The Pie Plate mini looks like a neat pattern Sharon!

  12. I feel your pain, dear.
    Love the picture of Moe. How on earth can he sleep in that position!

  13. poor Moe. You have him quilting and cutting fabrics until he is exhausted.
    funny picture! LOL

  14. I think the kitties are sleeping for you, so you'll have time to finish that photo quilt.
