
Friday, August 7, 2015

A Little Mix

I have gotten only a little sewing in with my new little machine while I work on other things.  The RSC15 color for August is Indigo or we can opt for black (or deep purple).  Some of my items can use Indigo, some can use black and some I will use a deep purple - which ever works to balance out the project.  My black 9-patch centers don't really show well, but this is the 'Sister' block.  All of them will have the yellow star and the backgrounds are what ever are in the scrap bin that needs using up.

I did receive some lovelies in the mail - great pick me up with my main machine MIA.  Joyce had a self challenge of 58 project in 58 days and then had a give away.  I felt terrible that I was the ONLY person to put in for her give away as she made so many lovely things.  I had selected the zip bag made with the New York City fabric (being I'm in NY state).  Then she e-mailed me that I could pick more and I told her I would love the little elephants for my granddaughter.  Well, she sent me even more (that apron is the exact color of my kitchen!!).  Please go give her some love as she was quite disappointed.

I tried to convince Miss Thing to come for a walk with me - such 'catitude' with the young lady!  Remember that the Pets on Quilts is coming up soon.

Than I tried to bribe this guy who rather pretend he's one of those lion statues  laying on the wall.  Neither would go with me (and quilts in my arms, treat bag in one pocket and camera in the other).

So I thought I would check how the apple trees are doing - loaded and almost ready.

We are going to have bags at the door and no one leaves until they pick a bag of apples.

This is the branch we were going to prop, but thought it would snap any way with all this weight so let the tree flex on it's own.  Yes, this is laying on the ground!  Surprised the deer haven't been feasting on this.

And speaking of deer - I had to really zoom on 'Big Red' - our mama of triplets - as she curiously watched me go tree to tree.  Maybe the corn (and the corn is higher than an elephants eye) is tastier than the apples.  I think her babies were back into the corn waiting for mama to signal 'all safe'.

And the grape vines are climbing all over everything.  The birds are getting to the grapes before us (just like the cherries) as their dropping color proves it - all over my car,too.

And a ray of sunshine on the day - love black-eyed susans - my Juki fixed (it was a sensor), picked up, and I am ready to start FMQ!  I've had that pile waiting and first up is the Princess quilt.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your apple bags sound like the zuke pile at mom's! Love the cat statues - funny the treats and quilt couldn't entice them. Lucky you to be a winner but I feel for Joyce to only have one entry after all her hard work.

  2. Boy, I would love to come pick some apples at your place....which is lovely!

  3. Loved the tour of your garden Sharon. Awesome seeing the deer in the gardens of my US friends. You scored some lovelies in that give away!

  4. Your stars turned out nicely. Glad you have your sewing buddy back from the shop.

  5. Your yard is luscious; the cats must love it. Your Black Eye Susans are loveable.

  6. Wow! I'd love to have some of those apples! Lucky you!

  7. Your cats might have tagged along if you had absolutely forbidden them to come... 8)
    That's a lot of apples!

  8. Thanks for the shout-out! Your wonderful readers came and gave me some love on my blog. You're awesome!

  9. Nice job on your INDIGO blocks and Congrats! on your big win.

  10. Well maybe you could hang a quilt in the corn field and capture a photo of the triplets for the pets on quilts. Love the pictures of the trees and grape vines. Moved from farm country to developments. In and around cow pastures. I miss the local farms. Watching the growth in all the fields on my way to and from work was a summer joy.

  11. LOVE that photo with the black eyed Susans.

  12. Wow, I want to come walk in your yard with you and take my bag of apples on the way out.

  13. What a delightful post, Sharon. Black fabrics and prints are challenging for me to work with. Actually I gave up and mix them with black on white prints. Occasionally light grays and gray prints.
    Sorry to hear about the low participation in Joyce's giveaway. Summer is a busy time, vacations, etc. I'll drop by and say hello.
    The apple trees look awesome. Grape vines, too. Our apples will be coming in next month and October. Love apple picking time. Good grief how time flies.
    SOOOOOO happy to hear your machine is back home.

  14. Love seeing all the garden goodies. The green is so rich and lovely to see. Glad your machine is back and ready for a spin.

  15. Yea, you have your Juki back. Wish I was closer, I'd pick some apples.

  16. I want to come visit so I can grab a bag of those apples!!!! It sounds like a cat's world there. Don't they know how good a walk is for them?? lol

    Joyce did a nice job on her projects and luck you to have received them.

  17. Enjoyed the visit to your home and gardens!

  18. I'd love to stop by for a bag of apples! Our peach trees are loaded too! I think we'll even get some from the early tree before our move. Here's hoping!

  19. Poor kitty getting bombed by grapes. ;o) What kind of grapes do you grow?
    I would love to have a sweet grape up at the farm when we move up there to take care of and fruit trees. Yumm
    I like your blocks and the cute apron
