
Monday, July 13, 2015

Piggy Bank Challenge

Click the picture to read more!

Valerie has started the new Piggy Bank Challenge. I did really well last year, but I had to dip in those funds for a house repair and car repair.  I used my brick and mortar bank for saving - not tracking a certain amount each month. I will do that again this year.

But I am going to add a coin collection, too.  I saved my change for the grands, but they are getting older and like the paper stuff instead of the coins.  I emptied one of  my snack barrels of those overflowing 2.5" charms (now I only have one of those) so I took some fun fabric and made a wrap for it - if you can't see those coins building up, you won't be tempted to dip into them.

And I  can keep it on the scrap barrel bench - blending in and looking cute.  My goal is to still raise that money for the mid-arm frame machine.  Although, I am seeing some really good sales on the long-arms and I will be going to the AQS show in Syracuse, NY later this month - I plan to try some machines out.

Pop over to the linky page here and see what others have planned.  Maybe join in!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I'm hoping to go to that show, too.
    Good idea, covering the jar. Out of sight, out of mind.

  2. I love how you put your bank on the bench with the other containers. It fits right in there and looks great. I've joined the challenge this year and am looking forward to seeing everyone's success. :-)

  3. Good luck with your quest for a mid-arm machine. Everyone I know who has one loves it. Fun times for you coming soon with the AQS show. Looking forward to hearing about that.

  4. Good idea to cover the outside of the jar Sharon, and it looks right at home therre with your other jars.

  5. Looking forward to your thoughts on the different machines and frames.

  6. That piggy bank challenge is a great idea. Some years ago a co-worker got me into saving dollar bills - I'm the eleventh child in my family, so I still save dollar bills with the number 11 in the four corners. It adds up, and you don't miss a dollar all that much. The most I've ever saved so far is $900, which I used for concrete work.

  7. Love your new coin stash! AQS show sounds good.....experiment with lots of machines. Things to long can you stand, can you see the needle without tilting your head or twisting to one side, do they include a zipper system for easy loading of quilts versus hand/pin basting to the frame. these are why I went with a sit down machine. Good luck.

  8. I love your coin stash too...and where you put it! Hey if ya get that can always use your coin savings for long-arm accessorries like thread, rulers, batting, ect. (I know I'm so bad huh!!) Have fun trying out the different machines!!

    1. Mark you calendar for July 6th as that's when we count and link our savings! That year went fast huh!

  9. Sounds like a great plan for saving your pennies.

  10. I like your idea and I wish I was able to go to Syracuse this year. It was in my plans but unfortunately plans had to change. Drat!
