
Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday's Play

I have my little 'Village'  quilt sandwiched up and waiting for it's quilting.  Yes, that's two layers of batt - really one layer of craft felt and one of batt, which really makes wallhangings lay so nice against the wall.  The binding is made (the red) and maybe that will even get attached for handwork later.

Remember I dumped my 2" barrel to play with the smaller 'Sister's Choice' blocks?  Well, why put them back in the barrel - play with them.  So another Postage Stamp quilt is in the works and I really hope it eats them right up.

I had a bit of a shopping spree.  This is one of three boxes that I need to go thru.  Check the slips, pull the stickers, and some will get matched up with the project they were bought for - the rest to the shelf.  I don't buy a lot of yardage - FQs are yardage to me.  BUT, there comes a time you need that size. had a super extra wide backing sale a couple of weeks ago.  I do like to piece backs, but sometimes you need to just 'get-r-done' - plus, my suppose yardage is really running low and very little choice.

I, also, like to get my white-on-white and beige-on-beige this way.  One yard of an extra wide is 3 yrds and at $6 a yard - do the math.

I know I said a couple of times that I had enough thread to last a few years.  Well, I keep my empty spools for inventory, plus I went thru my thread cart.  A lot of spools used - I know I passed on 2 cones and some of those white spools to a quilter who uses them to make Christmas trees.  AND a lot of my cart spools are at least half used.  So ........  Connecting Threads has a 30% off sale right now.  My SIL and I did up a 'really need' and 'oh, I love that' list and we are waiting on a large order of thread to arrive.

** linking up with Monday Making and Design Wall Monday **

Take time to play today,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Happy little houses and happy little trees! Your little village is so sweet!

  2. I love postage stamp quilts! And that little village wall hanging is cool! Never thought to use craft felt inside! FQ as yardage..LOL....oh we scrap quilters! LOL

  3. Oh I love your wallhanger!!!! Love it! As far as playing....looks like you are having a good time.

  4. I love those little houses and really like the idea of the craft felt. I'll have to give that a try. Those postage stamp blocks are going to make a great finish too.

  5. That little village is so sweet. I just love it.

  6. Your houses are adorable and the red binding will look great . Oh a postage stamp quilt sounds like fun . I like connecting threads to buy threads too , great value .

  7. Cute little village quilt. Have fun going thru the new fabrics.

  8. Oh, I love it when fabric is delivered.. All that potential and beauty just waiting for the cutter. Your little house village is sweet; the plaid border is perfect.

  9. The houses are just adorable. Thanks for the heads up about the sale, I love their thread.

  10. I love that little village! And it's always such fun to watch you play...

  11. Hi Sharon love your little village,so sweet ,I agree with Gayle its always fun seeing what you get up to ,enjoy your day my friend xx

  12. Cute little quilt. I'm in need of 2 wide backs for 2 queen-sized quilts. Where did you get the wideback wow? I probably need to replenish the wow too. Sigh... but I so like using up fabric!

  13. I love thread as much as I love fabric. I might have to check out that sale.
