
Friday, June 12, 2015

Feline Friday-RSC15-Tornados

Yes, we had another day of constant tornado warnings.  I powered down for most of the day - the lightening scared the beegeebers out of me!  I did get my little town into a semi-flimsie stage.  Just the borders - wonder how long it will take me to put those on?  At this point it is 8.5" x 12".

I have been working up my orphaned/gifted HSTs with the RSC15, but my storage was getting so crammed that it really needed to be addressed.  This is my 2.5" box.  I have them from 1.5" up to 4.5" in storage containers by size.

Ha, I caught her on camera this time!  I turned the camera on in the other room so she wouldn't hear it.  Dump some scraps or blocks on the table and PRESTO!  She stayed there most of the day as she gets just as nervous with storms as I do - had to stay as close to momma as possible.

This is Bonnie Hunter's "Grandpa's Star" from Quiltmaker March/April '12 for her Addicted To Scraps column.  Having all those ready to use HSTs made these work up fast - I got quite a few done in between power offs/power ups. ** link up with Oh,Scrap **

I put this together Thursday and the black borders are hanging off it.  Now to get those on - hmmm.  Actually I have a commission piece to finish first (hopefully no more storms for a while) - then I will knuckle down to those borders.

Now to catch up on some blog reading,
Sewingly yours,


  1. Your tiny town is coming along nicely : )
    Grandpa's Star blocks and boxed squares, too. Sorry to hear about all the terrible storms your way.
    Someone is looking kinda sheepish about getting caught in a photo moment. Most excellent picture.

  2. Your town is adorable. You keep your scraps under control. My scraps just keep taking over.

  3. Glad that you were safe, I hate those stormy days. Your Little town is looking great. You got a lot done this week. You made quick work of those HSTs, very nice looking blocks.

  4. There have been lots of tornados this year it seems. I'm glad you are safe! It's always fun to see what you do with scraps! Love your "town".

  5. I always love to see what you're creating with your scraps. They do just seem to multiply don't they. Here's hoping for a quiet day for everyone in central and southern tier NY. My cousin has a huge tree that came down that she now has to cope with removing - thankfully did not hit house or car, but a big expense.

  6. You managed to get a lot done. I love the little village with the mix of trees and houses. The new stars are great and you sure put them together fast from your stash.......don't ignore those borders :)

  7. I love what you're doing with the little houses, the trees spaced like that make it all so cute. Your area seems to attract every kind of horrible weather, are tornadoes usual? I've been gone and now trying to catch up which probably will never happen.

  8. Your little town is so sweet! Great way to use up HSTs. I have some already made ones, so I have pinned your photo for when I get around to that project. I also like that last quilt top - I have plenty of 6" squares that would work a treat in something like that. Thanks for the inspiration(s) Sharon.

  9. A tornado is not something I want to see in my backyard either. I love your little town quilt and the Bonnie Hunter blocks. Hope you are having better weather this weekend.

  10. The little town is very neat. Glad you included the size. I just looked at it and assumed it to be much larger. Great job. I love the black trimmed blocks with the pending black borders. Ok now to the most precious part of the post, The very pretty photo shy cat. Great shot.

  11. That wee town is so cute, Sharon. I also love the scrappiness of Grandpa's Star. Stay safe with the tornadoes.

  12. Pretty kitty! I love your little town. Where in New York do you live? We just spent a few days in the very beautiful Finger Lakes region.

  13. Hi Sharon,such pretty blocks,well done my friend ,hope the weather plays nice for you xx

  14. I love the little town. I have a gray kitty that loves to play in my scraps or get in my way whenever I lay things out. I hope the tornado warnings stop so that you can keep sewing.

  15. Love your wee village! And the star blocks are ideal for all those HSTs.
    Glad you got a picture of your shy kitty, too.

  16. You have accomplished so much considering all the storms!
    Glad you didn't lose sewing power!

  17. Glad you stayed safe during the storms. You got lots done, too.

  18. You got an awful lot done despite all the powering down!

  19. Oh, Sharon, your little town reminds me of the darling wallhanging you sent me several years ago with all the little town buildings!! Although, I just have to say this - my little town is cuter than your little town!! :-))

  20. The village is adorable; can't imagine how small the houses must be. I like the Grandpa's Star--will be fun to see it finished.

  21. Even with the storms you got lots done. I too like the Grandpa's Star block.

  22. Poor kitty! I hope you are done with storms for a while. I can't believe you have all your half square triangles all organized by sizes and everything! All your projects are looking good. I especially like your House & Tree top and the Bonnie Hunter one.

  23. As usual, you're being very industrious. You sure are having some rotten weather aren't you? Mind you, considering it's almost midsummer, I am not enjoying our cold weather.

  24. Everything looks delicious and scrappylicious! We have had our fair share of violent weather here as well! Stay safe!

  25. You and your helper really accomplished a lot! Thanks for sharing all this scrappy goodness with Oh Scrap!
