
Saturday, May 16, 2015

RSC15 - Green

Although the colors look other than a nice green - they are.  I love these Bitty Blocks - floating pinwheels.  They don't take a lot of fabric (they are 4.5" unfinished) so they really aren't scrap eaters - but they work up really fast and are stinkin' cute.

And I worked the green HSTs out of the box - there were a lot of green and even though the official 'green' is the darker hues, I decided to just do them all up. There's 10 in each pile so 100 more HSTs have been added to that storage.

The bricks for the 'Now & Later' quilt.  I am making 40 of each monthly color - I won't need that many in total, but it will give me a nice mix to play with and any extras will certainly be used elsewhere.

And I added a few more 9-patch blocks to the pile for my granddaughter's future 'big girl' quilt.  I've decided on pattern, setting, and know how many I need.  BUT, again I will make more than needed just for room to play.

Well, there's all my food storage containers!  The lids are in the cabinet and I was trying to figure out where the bottoms were.  I've neglected this project for far too long.  Lots of 1.5" squares for a project that is a challenge.  A challenge in that it is trying to read a photo copy of a very bad, old newsprint graph.  But I worked out a quandrant, mirror image and reverse image that for a workable project sheet - oyi, it gives my a headache after a while which is why it has sat so long.

I've been less chatty - some home issues and also making sure I get some ME time.  I met my daughter for a lovely lunch (she was in the area for a training class) and the weather has finally gotten nicer so there has been time outside cleaning flower beds.  We lost a lot of things with this last winter and we are debating whether to replace or just move surviving plants to other beds and have less beds.  We (SIL & I) are leaning toward the later.

Off to play with my little scraps,
Sewingly Yours,
** linking up with RSC15 **      


  1. I love the browns and greens in those blocks. Very pretty and "stinkin' cute!" Good for you to take some ME time!

  2. Great job with all the greens. I need to get back to mine. I got a little derailed this month.

  3. Those floating pinwheels really are stinking cute. Glad you were able to work on your little squares too. So many tiny bits put to good use. Must feel good.

  4. Your blocks are so sweet.....great greens to me.

  5. Lots of scrappy goodness , love the pinwheels and nine patch !

  6. It looks like you had a VERY productive week! Nice work!!

  7. Yep, stinkin' cute.
    I love watching you play with scraps. I've got another dozen quilts jostling elbows in my queue now, due to you...

  8. I lost a lot of plants (and even mature shrubs) this winter and like you, I'm leaning toward reduction rather than replacement. More time and money for quilting.

  9. I vote for less beds too as I have been working outside a lot the past week or so. What was I thinking when I kept addind more beds to maintain? lol....the plants just multiply like scraps!

  10. I'm really loving those 9 patches, so bright and happy. Maybe if we all used necessary storage containers or bowls we would sew faster, LOL.

  11. Love the scrappy blocks and the 9 patch are so cheerful and happy. I'd go for less beds. e are trying to slim down the work needed in our garden and reducing the need to replace plants lost over the winter.

  12. You got lots of scrappy work done. Lots of fun greens in those blocks. Looking forward to seeing where all those blocks end up.

  13. Lots of nice scrappy blicks and a lovely balance of other activities....good for you.

  14. Oh my. You got this post by me somehow. The bitty blocks are cute! Love all your blocks, actually. Enjoying the big girl blocks.
    Very NICE collection and management of 1.5" squares. Guess I'll do cut some squares that small someday.... your blocks and tiny squares are giving me more scrap quilt ideas ....
    Hope home issues work themselves out, dear.
