
Sunday, May 10, 2015

DWM 5/10/15 & Winner

I finished up my secret project and it is ready for a morning mail out.  So I decided to put together my rows for this wonderful quilt inspired by Beth.  I love her border treatment, but I am going with a 4.5" white border (that should just about use that up) followed by a double row of 2.5" squares - I hope it tames that scrap barrel.   Maybe doing a scrappy border will give me less stress - you know how I hate to add borders.  I will have just enough of the black used for the star points for the binding to tie it together.

** linking up with Scraptastic Tuesday **

We finally had some warm, sunshiney days that just made everything just POP to life.  This is an apple tree just off the corner of my side of the main house.  I bought it 22 yrs ago for my Dad for Father's Day.  We lost our large orchard to a tornado in 1989  and we missed having all those lovely fruit trees.  This was marked a 'miniature' (there is actually about a dozen behind the barn now hidden by this tree) and there were two cherry trees too but they developed a fungus and we lost them.  

Look how dense those blossoms are!  This tree has come into it's maturity - so wish my Dad could see this.  I took the photos from my porch because it was also dense with bees working their magic.  We have a couple of days of severe storms rolling in - a by-product of the plains storms - so I want those little buzzy fuzzies to enjoy those flowers before they are gone.

I want to thank all you wonderful people for dropping by and leaving a comment as to your favorite flower.  I even had to look a few up as I was not familiar with them.  And so many of you were great at including your e-mail, but I still had no-reply responders.  You are missing out sweet things.  Please check your profile settings and if you prefer not to have your e-mail listed then at least include it in your comments.  If we can't find you, you can't win.  And to that - I had my first and second random pull - no replies and I looked for something because I didn't want you to miss out, but I am not a magician.  So  I pulled number three random:

I love all flowers but I would have to say the lilac. 

I will send her an e-mail for posting information.  Please don't be a no-reply, I have another super give away coming up on my Birthday Week (17th-23rd) that you won't want to miss out on.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. That is a wonderful quilt! I like pieced borders, too.
    Wow! That's a lot of blossoms on your apple tree. Maybe it's in response to the brutally cold winter.

  2. I love that pattern, such a great way to use scraps.
    I am probably no-reply (I am to some blogs and not to others) each time it is fixed, Mr. Google goes and messes with it again.

  3. What a great scrap pattern - I will have to look out for it. Can't wait to see it with borders!!

  4. Scrap quilt ooks so good....border or not! Your apple tree is bountiful in blooms. So lovely.

  5. The tree is beautiful, so many flowers! Congrats to the winner, that fabric is so pretty.

  6. Your scrappy quilt top is lovely! Congrats to the winner. We only had about a tenth of an inch of rain last night, but my daughter had a wild hailstorm. They were thankful to not have lost any windows.

  7. Love your scrappy quilt! As far as taming scraps, good luck with that. I've about decided that taming scraps is another one of those things I get better at, but never really succeed in achieving.

  8. Love the flowering trees. Not thrilled with bees buzzing around but do like that they do their thing! Great scrap quilt.

  9. Love the quilt and the flowering trees are beautiful. Congrats to the winner.

  10. The quilt top came out just great. It should look great with the border you described. Love the apple tree. What a beautiful sight. A shame it only stays like that for such a short time.

  11. Great quilty inspiration. The blooms on your tree are amazing! Bet it smells wonderful!

  12. Is that beautiful quilt squares and HSTs?

  13. The apple tree is a treat for the eyes; it looks perfectly balanced and full. The quilt looks great; it looks like it was a brain twister to put together. At least for me it would be.

  14. The scrappy garden maze is wonderful! The apple tree is, too.

  15. love your quilt and your tree is gorgeous. and thanks SO MUCH for picking me in the drawing. I am a giddy girl!

  16. Gorgeous scrappy quilt and hope the border helps to clear out the scrap barrel! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday

  17. Your scrappy quilt is stunning. I love it. The trees are beautiful. I hope you have a very happy birthday.

  18. I love your scrappy quilt top, wonderful star design.

  19. Great scrap quilt. The mix of darks and brights is wonderful; they really sparkle.

  20. The quilt is wonderful and congrats to the winner.
