
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Closing Out May

I had a simple list for May so I could enjoy May For Me - my birthday month.  First up was my Let's Book It project - the simple one block wonder.  It was also used for my second list item - Slow Stitching Sunday.  I did the dreaded needleturn applique and the quick large stitch quilting.

To celebrate May For Me I took part in the SewMaMaSew and held a week giveaway - having you all celebrate my month really was a pleasure.  And I had the pleasure of being a guest blogger for Hands to Help

The third and last thing on my list was RSC15 - I made all my RSC15 GREEN blocks thru the month.  I still have a LOT of green!!

I had the pleasure of fitting in a random act of kindness and did up a doll quilt with little dolly for a surprise gift for a friend.

And I finished the Batik 'Island Chain' quilt.  A lot of straight line quilting - very time consuming but such a great affect.

With a simple month, I realized I needed to some clearing out.  Remember the dumped fabrics?  Well they got sorted into 4 piles of possibilites.

The greens and yellow went into a simiple log cabin baby quilt and I added some giraffes from a scrap I had tucked away.

They are easier to see here.  I used a simple 'ribbon' quilting across the quilt and raw-edge stitched around the giraffes and then echoed .

The dark plaids and wovens went into a bow tie quilt.  I have the first border on here - actually I have the outer border on it now too, but it is huge and hard to display.  I am going to send this to a long armer on Tuesday.

The other two quilts - one is at the binding stage and one is at the row assembly stage.

I had a grand May and look forward to June - Middle of the Year.

Sewingly yours,
**linking up with Oh, Scrap**


  1. Oh, my. And that's your idea of a simple month? I'm exhausted just looking at all the pictures!
    What a big bunch of pretty you've made!

  2. Wow, so many projects completed, that is amazing to me. I too look forward to seeing what you accomplish in June.

  3. LOLLLLLLLLL your closing out May and I never opened it. Great work.

  4. You had a very productive month, Sharon.

  5. Hi Sharon wow lots of stunning work there my friend,you truly amaze me with your finishes,well done .xx

  6. You had a great month! i am so envious. I love the baby quilt with the added appliques....way too cute. The batik one is fabulous too!

  7. Wow Sharon-you really got a lot done this m month. I adore plasmids so you can guess which ones are my favorites. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    And Happy Belated Birthday!

  8. You had an excellent May! A good mix of projects, both stitching and blogging.

  9. Really this is a simple month. Aw but if you enjoyed the month then that's all that counts. Happy belated birthday.
    Love the little giraffe quilt and the bowtie. Great projects

  10. Love your little four patch!!! Thanks for rejuvenating!

  11. So much eye candy here, Sharon. The doll quilt is just the sweetest and I love how you added the giraffes to the baby quilt.

  12. What a lovely set of quilts! The giraffes are adorable, and I love what you did with the stripes on the back and the binding.
