
Thursday, April 16, 2015


Most of you know that I hate to do borders.  I decided that yesterday was the day to get those quilts sitting on the shelf that were waiting - bordered!  This is my snowball/9-patch that I have been stitching along with Terry.  A back has been pieced for this and will be my next quilting project.

This is a free pattern by Me and My Sister Designs and can be found HERE.  I made this as a Let's Book It project and still needs finishing.  The back has been pieced and it will be quilted next in line.  This pretty fabric is Crazy for Red by Minnick and Simpson.

As much as I hate to do borders, I hate more so to make large quilts - HA!!  This is a sampler for my Quilt Guild challenge of a block a month - to encourage members to make at least one block a month.  I have an 'aged' extra wide on the shelf that will be used for a back on this one - so I can move that fabric on.

And this one is even bigger and was impossible to photo outside - we are a bit still in the mud season and there was some wind.  This thing wanted to sail!  I had seperated my lites (low volumn) from my medium/dark 2.5" square barrel storage system - I had two barrels crammed.  So this quilt evolved just to use it up.  This will get an extra wide backing (I move scraps out fast, but my yardage sits on the shelf forever) and not sure if I will quilt it or send it out to a long armer.

Now that my borders are done - to move on to a project that should have no borders:

There is an urgent request for quilts to be passed out to the Illinois tornado areas.  I don't want to copy/paste/repeat - so will let  you visit Cheryle's blog to get all the latest information.  There is a very quick upcoming deadline, so find a quilt sitting on the shelf, finish up a flimsy, a quick panel, or a quilt that has been sitting just waiting on it's binding.  I have two quilts I pulled from our shop and they are heading out in the mail tomorrow.

** link up with Whoop, Whoop Friday **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. i hear you on the border However, they do look pretty darn nice once they are on. Lovely work as always :)

  2. Wow, you spent a whole day working on borders? Torture! LOL. They all look really good though, I especially like the BOM from your guild.

  3. And those borders take just as long to quilt as the yummy centers too! I always want to think I'm almost finished when I get to them, but nooo ... they demand more and more time - and then the binding has to be stitched down around the outer edge of all of them - even more time!

  4. I tend to be a 'quilter without borders', so I get it! And making bigger quilts doesnt Jazz me anymore, either. Love your finishes. Thanks for the link for the tornado victims. Will pop over there to see how I can help. I'm away from home for a little while, but there's always a way!

  5. We may hate to add them on, but wow, your quilts look great. I love the snowball and nine patch. Will check out the link, as I know I have one that can be sent. You do have some stitching and meandering to do!

  6. Hi Sharon ,boy love all the quilts,they look great xx

  7. I'm not crazy about putting borders on either. I have quite a few that are waiting. Yours are great. I can't decide which one I like the most. I think it is the snowball/9-patch

  8. Beautiful quilts.... Love the snowball quilt. I have wanted to make one of those for awhile. Thanks for the link. And your Crazy for Red quilt makes me want to break open my Crazy for red jelly roll. I have a bit of a love affair going on with Minnick and Simpson. janita

  9. Holy cow! You tackle a job with a vengence! lol Borders seems to always stall the finish of my quilts too; after i've overcome that obstable, then it's the backings! So many challlenges, makes us stronger, right? LOL

  10. I don't mind putting borders on just not too keen on quilting them!

  11. I agree that most borders are not fun and are laborious. You certainly got your tail moving and accomplished much. I admire your tenacity and how much you accomplish. You are an inspiration. Thanks for reminding us there are always those in need.

  12. Oh boy...I hate doing borders too. You're a glutton for punishment doing all those at once. I love your guild challenge quilt. Very pretty.

  13. I can't remember the last time I put a border on a quilt. Most of the time I just skip the borders! LOL Your quilt tops all look wonderful! :0)

  14. Your quilts are beautiful. I like the red one best.

  15. Such beautiful quilts , I love your sampler and think that is a great idea for your guild .

  16. I love the snowball quilt. I am not fond of borders but I think it really adds to the quilt. Without the borders they look like they are lacking. Good work.

  17. Wow! You've been busy. All your quilts are beautiful, Sharon! Especially the sampler quilt! I'm not fond of borders either, however they do make quilts look like pieces of art in frames.

  18. Awesome finishes. Thanks for sharing about Quilts of Compassion. Janice and her group does amazing work. I have sent her a box full of quilts.

  19. I hate doing borders too. They are just so boring!!! You have bordered beautifully and I am sure it feels good to be done with them.

  20. Great job on getting those borders done. Love your quilts.

  21. Well, all your quilts are wonderful and wow, you went from snow to green grass in a matter of days, didn't you?

  22. Great quilt tops. Thanks for the mention for the tornado victims. Thanks also for your donation. Quilters are so generous.

  23. Four great quilts! I really like your sampler one. You certainly got busy and got all those borders done.

  24. Yeah to you for getting the borders done. They all look great with their final bits added.

  25. Look at all you got done! Way to go! I didn't realize you didn't enjoy making larger quilts?

  26. Good for you on those borders! It's funny how one part of the process can bog us down and keep us from completing a quilt! Whoop whoop!!

  27. You have such gorgeous quilts here. Good for you for getting to them!
