
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Yellow, Birds, and a Cat

I finished up the Yellow 'Bitty' Blocks - the bowties and little houses go rather quickly, but the baskets take me some time.  Now I mathed this out - not sure how many Bitty Blocks will be presented, but if I am doing them with the RSC15, hmmm.  I am making 10 of each and that means going back and making each one 10 times with each color - yikes!!  We shall see how far this goes, but for now they are fun to play with.

I got a start on my next 'Let's Book It' project - the little geese.  And after seeing the picture, I realized one was missing (the cheddar) - oops, still on the ironing board.  The little squares are fused to some Steam-A-Seam2 ready for making the hearts for each, but that's for another day.

Of course, I had my helper during all of this.  I laughed so hard at him - a 26lb. cat trying to squeeze into a plastic shoe box!  As you can tell, he was not happy with me laughing at him.  My Vet was very nice in putting down 'winter weight' on their check up charts - but told me to seriously cut the treats and limit food.  Actually their diets haven't changed - just this horrid winter has kept them more housebound, less active.

Two dozen more 4-patches framed and 60 9-patches for the border on my snowball/9-patch quilt.  These all need a tighter pressing and then squared up.  ANd NO, those scrap barrels are not getting any lighter!

This is my SIL's latest finish - we really wanted outdoor photo's but even with the sunshine, we have deep snow in areas and the other areas are mud pits that we don't want to drag quilts thru.  This is Benartex 'Glorious Humming Birds' a line by Jackie Robinson.

Jeri's mother loved hummingbirds (so does she) so this is a memory quilt of sorts.  Her first 'border' quilt and she chose a simple boxed square for the alternative areas to showcase the pretty fabrics.  Yes, I made her cut those borders with scissors - didn't want a slip of the rotary as I had mathed just enough fabric.  Our longarmer designed a panto of a winding vine with the leaf similar to the Morning Glory leaves and done with a brilliant blue thread, matching those Morning Glories.  The back is the black with scattered hummingbirds like what is in that one framed square.

She's ordered a little more fabric of this line to work with her left overs to make her twin sister a quilt - using the Twin Sister block - should be very pretty.

** linking up with RSC15Feline Friday and WhoopWhoop Friday **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love those geese. Adorable pic of your helper in the box. :)

  2. You always have such cute projects going. I always enjoy having a look see. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love those geese, but what I really love are all those pretty yellow blocks. Yellow is my favorite color!

  4. Those yellow blocks are so cheerful. I've been playing with yellow too this week and really enjoying the bright colours. Playing with them made me realise that we as a generation don't seem to use much yellow. Real yellow is hard to buy, as distinct from those with green or brown tonings, and you rarely see it used in a quilt.

  5. I love those happy yellow blocks . . Great color choices for the geese. Laughed at the cat. This was a great visit...

  6. Some lovely things going on over at your neck of the woods, but I love those Geese! Yellow is always fun for me too!

  7. Oh my. Love those geese. Great picture of MOE! He is so funny. I can relate to his winter weight issue. Unfortunately : (

  8. The yellows are so pretty. You SIL's quilt is wonderful and will be a treasured gift.

  9. I love looking at your geese ad yellow bitty blocks.

  10. I've already been blaming this horrid winter for my weight gain. Poor kitty.

  11. My kitty helper chief quilt inspector was also put on a diet. Prescription food even. She loves it and can eat all she wants and has lost 1.5 #'s. I threatened her to do well or she's going to Weight Watchers with me! Whatever it takes - I need my chief quilt inspector for a lot longer. I too giggled at those eyes on your fur baby too!

  12. 26 pounds - that's a serious cat! And yet, he really wanted to be in the "tiny" box. Funny how my tiny cat likes big boxes but my big cats like small boxes - it seems to be a universal thing tho...

  13. Love the bright and beautiful yellows you have. And your geese are very sweet. What size blocks are those? And your helper has the same look on HIS face that I have on MINE when I'm trying to zip up my jeans....and it's not a 'funny' look. :)

  14. Gorgeous sunny blocks to brighten your day. Love the geese.
    LOL. Your helper does put a smile on my face..
    Your sisters quilt looks great.

  15. Love the sunny blocks. I finally got around to making some bowties too. They are so simple to make and really quick to do.

  16. The geese are awesome! And you've been so busy and accomplished so much!! Amazing!

  17. Moe always makes me laugh, that just doesn't look comfortable. I'm sure they'll take the weight off when they start running around outside, that's a really nice way of putting it, winter weight.

  18. You have lots of sunny yellow in your RSC blocks. Those will make some fun quilts at the end of the year. Love the photo of your helper. Hope it warms up there soon so your sewing buddies can work off some of that winter weight (I need to do that too unfortunately!).

  19. Great little yellow blocks - Love the cat in the bin! So many things on the go, you are being very productive.

  20. Funny cat photo . . . and don't you hate how the scrap containers NEVER seem to get emptier.

  21. Lots of yellow sunshine in your quilt studio this week. Great going. Love, love love the geese. Oh that's a big cat - twice as much cat as I have!

  22. I don't know how your scrap bin isn't getting emptier, but as long as it keeps providing fabric for such great blocks, all is well. Love the yellows!

  23. And I thought it was funny when my 8 pound dog tried to make a bed out of a shoe box! Your geese are darling.

  24. So many wonderful projects.......and I get tired of hearing that my dogs need to lose weight......they inherited my genes.....therefore, they are big boned! LOL
