
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Still Waiting

Although I love seeing some of the lovely photos of the coming of Spring  on other blogs - we are still waiting.  We had snow on the first day of Spring and now we are turning over to the rainy portion before the wonders of warmth, sun, and sprouting flowers and trees.  A few robins have returned, but looking rather confused - there are no lovely flowering shrubs and fruit trees yet to nest in and the ground is too hard to pull worms.  But Mother Nature has shown some part of her cycle as the lambs and calves are arriving at many of our valley's farms. 

If you are not familiar with Val's Quilting Studio, she hosts a Tuesday Archive linky with weekly themes.  This week is paper piecing.  Maybe you would enjoy browsing your old posts and link up a past paper piecing project.  At least go visit and see all the inspiration linked up.

I have been using the 'still winter' weather to play with scraps and making lots of blocks.  I found these HSTs in one of the scrap baggies donated and turned them into sawtooth stars - there are two of each color way.  I did finish up all those string blocks, but I boxed them and a whole lot of other blocks to be shipped out for someone else to play with.

  Yes, I get into a groove when block making and just roll with it.  Remember these ?  

Well, there is a whole lot more.  There's 50 in each of those stacks (except the little one with the note) and about a 100 more 4-patches whipped thru the machine today while I mixed in some Spring cleaning.

And I try to take my Sunday's slow time, but I have had the last few weekends interrupted with company - good company.

So I am trying to do a little each night to unwind from the day.  I am driving myself crazy with trying to sort the pinks, fuschia, corals and yellows/oranges so I can do some flowers.  I am getting bored working with greens.  Luckily the purple was just 3 different hues and the sole ones.

I tried to change the color saturation so the stitching would show, but white on white and my crappy photo skills.  Well, I have the 'geese' Let's Book It project quilted, hanging sleeve, label, and binding attached - just need to get that stitched down in time for our end of the month link up.

I am working up a tutorial for the geese blocks to share with you too.  AND I had a lovely person make a comment on the pattern, but she used Google+ and was a no-reply commentor - SO Sharon Massena, if you read this please respond to me in private e-mail as I would like to get in touch with you.

"Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring
The Winter Garment of Repentance fling:
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To fly--and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing."
-  Omar Khayyám   

Sewingly Yours,


  1. We are still waiting for spring too! Love seeing all your projects...really love that batch of four patches...what a great quilt they will make some day!

  2. We've gone in the other direction and it's hot and humid here, I don't want to think about what July will be like.

  3. Looking forward to seeing your geese tutorial as I have a bunch of repro hearts just waiting for a project. Yes, it's cold at this end of the state too, but at least the sun has been shining more often than not.

  4. You always have such fun scrap projects going on there. I love the stars and those little 4-patch blocks. Your stitchery is looking great too. I hope spring arrives quickly and warms you up.

  5. We had snow the night before last, lovely but cold sunshine yesterday, and today it's pouring down rain and cold. I'm so ready for spring!

  6. wow Sharon you do an amazing amout of work and as usual i love all your projects,well done my friend xx

  7. Keeping my fingers crossed for spring to hurry up and get there.

  8. We're waiting for spring too. We got 5 inches of snow on the first day of spring break. Well, it's good quilting weather if nothing else.

  9. Love your projects Sharon, but I can't stop thinking about the poor, confused Robins.....Grin. That visual would make a great painting.

  10. Your stitchy flowers are coming along so nicely! I know what you mean about a little spring - we had the snow melt here but nothing is growing yet. Except the rabbits that ate the bark off my apple sapling. I'm also working on brightly colored projects to bring a little spring into my life.

  11. Love those scrappy 4 patches. I am a boxed up blocks kind of guy too!

  12. Interesting to see what you are up to and how you while away the weather, you've really got into a groove with your sewing! We are enjoying the start of Autumn, I always love the start of a new season! Your geese are very cute!

  13. I love your geese and your four-patches. I'm still making them, too, but much slower. The stitchery your are making is going to be lovely; that looks very interesting. Hopefully you will have a beautiful Spring, when it finally arrives.

  14. I love to see everything you are up to! We''ve had rain it's easy to stay inside and sew!

  15. You've been really productive, Sharon. Your cross stitching is coming along nicely.

  16. You've gotten lots done. Wonderful work as always.

  17. Fingers crossed for SPRING to arrive for you... although that means Autumn is over here. I prefer the heat but I'm willing to share... xox...

  18. Bless your heart. Your winter weather is hanging around toooo long! Sorry to brag, but we are seeing lots of flowers lately. Freezing temps are in the forecast this weekend, so not sure what will happen to all those blossoms.
    All your blocks look wonderful, Sharon. You are one of the most creative, talented, productive people I know. Love seeing all your projects.
    Hope you see some spring soon, dear. You and the fur babies have been patient long enough.

  19. Spring is slow here too , but today it is raining so that is a start . You have made great use of your sewing time , lots of things accomplished , congratulations on all the great work .
