
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sweet16 on the Wall 2/9/15

16-Patch Blocks For Hands2Help

If you are not familar with the Sweet16 QAL, the button is on the sidebar along with the Hands2Help Challenge.  Sarah has graciously (and busily) offered up several 16-patch block quilt patterns to assist us with making quilts for the Hands2Help. And she has shown how they can be done using up your scraps or using some lovely yardage.

I have lots of scraps.  I am a scrap quilter.  I am using scraps.  I quickly made a lot of 16-patches.  They started as a leader/ender project and then I had a day I just wanted to finish them up.  For the first quilt I am going with a double 4-patch alternating block.  Again, these started as a leader/ender project and then a day of finishing them up.  We are in for a 3-day snow storm - so it is a great time to start putting this into a flimsy.

My second quilt is in progress.  A found baggy of HSTs combined with some 4-patch blocks (again, they were leader/enders) make up a fun variation of the Jacob's Ladder block.  Were is the 16-patch????

Well, there it is!!  When you put four of these together you magically get the 16-patch.  There will be time to get this one into a flimsy, too.

And not knowing how long I will be house-bound, I decided that I would pull these out.  They got a trim-up so ready for sewing into a flimsy.  This is one of my quilt guild's charity quilts - not due for a while, but maybe this is the incentive (and time) to get to work on it. And yes, those are big blocks - I hate big blocks - 16.5" square.

This is the second guild charity quilt.  These little blocks have already gotten put into a flimsy today.  It's ready for sandwiching up for some quick quilting.  And what's fun with these two quilts - all the scraps in them came from 4 different people who's names start with the letter 'S'.

And while I am putting these blocks all together - another leader/ender project is tucked inbetween.  This is a 'go to pattern' by Joanne - this will link you right to her page with the different sizes for this block.  I had a lot of skinnies to use up, so I am going with the smallest block.  This will be a donation to Gene Black's Quilt Angels project.

Our NorEast weather for February looks like good quilt making time.  We've already had 3 storms, heading into 2 more followed by sub-zero temps, and then with the warm up, more snow.  I may have to make a red flag to run up the chimney so you folks can find me in the snow pile!

Snowingly,Sewingly Yours,


  1. Making a charity quilt is so rewarding. You are very generous in this department Sharon. Well done! xox...

  2. Wow Sharon you are such a beautiful lady always helping others and as usual such beautiful work.xx

  3. Holy wow, you have been productive and such beautiful results! Sewing is a great way to spend a snow day! I love big blocks, the bigger the better but they are a pain when it comes to squaring!

  4. Seems like snow days make great sew days!

  5. That sweet 16 looks so good! I need to make more 4 patches! Ugh, saw the weather for your area and you are going to be covered up again. Stay warm and safe.

  6. I'm glad that you have plenty of scraps to keep you busy during all of these storms. Sunshine asked this morning if winter is over yet. I wish!

  7. It's always fun to watch the magic you do with scraps Sharon! And I know that all the lucky recipients of your quilts wil be blessed beyond measure!

  8. I REALLY think I need a few snow days! Your work is always so beautiful.

    1. Thank you - I would prefer to sew just because and not because it is snowing.

  9. You should have most of your scraps sewn by now. Do I need to send you some scraps? Lots of lovely blocks.

    1. Oh, I have lots more scraps, so please don't send me more.

    2. Sharon, this is a test. I am having major trouble posting and it not being notification failure. When it comes to blogging I don't know very much about how it works. I have someone with blogger helping. Hopefully this time yours doesn't fail. You keep me inspired even if you don't know I am leaving you comments. Thanks for being there. You are awesome.

  10. Thanks for linking up Sharon! Wow! you've got a lot of fun sewing going on! ;)

  11. Good Idea to put the blocks together to make your 16 patches. Sneaky scraps. No Snow days in my Valley. Just a lot of rain and wind a blowin'. DS says isn't every day a Quilting day except Sunday for you MOM?

  12. I love, love, LOVE all your wonderful scrappy projects as I'm a scrappy quilter myself. Feel same as you about huge blocks. Much prefer simple blocks. Let the scrappiness be the star in the finished quilt.
    Sorry to hear more bad weather coming your way : (

  13. So much scrappy fun! I love it all. I'm working on a 36-patch and pinwheel for my leader enders. Such an efficient way to sew.

  14. OH, that's brilliant, Sharon! I've made a Jacob's Ladder quilt before, but I don't think mine came out with a 16-patch in the center. I must remember this!! Thanks for sharing!

  15. So much scrappy goodness , love them all . Gee if you are getting these storms that means we will be next , yikes , time to plan :-)

  16. It's so fun to see how one quilt leads to another with your leaders and enders. I really like your scrappy Jacob's ladder.

  17. I love your scrappiness! And wonderful that they are going to charity! Particularly like the Jacob's ladder one. Thanks for joining us on #scraptastictuesday

  18. Looks like you are having fun with your sweet 16 blocks.

  19. Okay now, I've pulled out some greens I started last year or before and I plan on doing some Sweet 16 blocks now! LOL

  20. You have lots of fun blocks to play with.

    Stay warm and dry!

  21. Such wonderfully scrappy quilts! I've always loved Jacob's Ladder but mine never had the 16-patch. I, too, will have to reconsider that block. Aren't snowy and rainy days great for quilting!

  22. So many wonderful scrappy quilt projects! I love them all! Thanks so much for linking up!
