
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Finishing Up February 2015

For a short month, February has been a never-ending month for us in the NorEast - cold, snow, ice, wind - happy to see it over.  My goals were short for the short month with options to play.  The weather added to those options to play as it kept us indoors so many days.

Goal one was my Let's Book It project.  It wasn't a total failure as I tried a new technique, learned I really need to take a class on this, and the proper fabric stash is a must for a better experience.

Goal two was to finish off the 'found' cross stitch piece.  I got the framing done and it is layered for quilting.  I actually have all the stitch-in-the-ditch quilting done to help with stability - now to get to the fun part.

All those snow days - and short goal list - led to completing all my charity quilts.  Two for my quilt guild and two for Hands2Help using the Sweet16 inspiration.

Clearing out that tub of baggies led to a cute little wallhanging.

As well as finding some scrap pinks to play with the Itty Bitty Blocks.  Catching up on the bow ties.

And finding some pink HSTs to make the little baskets, too.

I decided that I would go with just three of the Sew Sweet Simplicity blocks to make a table runner.  Finished in plenty of time for my Easter Table decor.

I hope March roars in like a Lion and leaves like a Lamb.  I need some outdoor time as well as my furkids.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. WOW you have done great. What beautiful projects as always. I love your table runner. Beautiful!

  2. I really like the basket blocks and the Sweet Sixteen quilts. It looks like it was another productive month for you. I agree with you about the weather. I keep looking longingly out the window.

  3. Wow you got alot done being snowed it! Awesome! Hope you get some sunshine soon!

  4. For a short month you got an awful lot accomplished. That's the "silver lining" to being snowed in. Hang in there...Spring is coming!!

  5. Great progress. Hurray for snowy days. Lots of time to quilt!

  6. Lots of fun projects going on. The nice thing about having so much cold outside is having more fun inside to sew.

  7. Congrats! on finishing your donation quilts. (I am loving those 4-Patch Chain quilts!) Nice progress on your RSC blocks, too.

  8. Another productive month of sewing for you, Sharon.

  9. Love your little baskets. I'm a little queasy over that step of the itty bitty QA. Awesome that you finished so many charity quilts on the list. LOVE your Sew Sweet Simplicity table runner. Great colors!

  10. You got lots done this month, congrats on that. I really like the table runner and all your charity quilts.

  11. Those basket blocks are cute! Hope you share your scrap projects with Oh Scrap! It comes out every Sunday.

  12. You always amaze me with how much sewing you do each month. Beautiful quilts.

  13. I hear ya! This winter has been brutal but I so hope the worst is behind us now.
