
Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 2015 Goals

Today is Ground Hogs Day here in the states - we are expecting another major snow storm (15-18" for us) so I don't think any ground hogs are going to even peek out in our area.

I picked up a few supplies while we had sunshine althought still freezing.  And I got my Valentine's Cards for the grands with the hopes that sometime before the day we are plowed out so I can mail my little package off to them.

Being a short month, I am keeping my goals short. 

 RSC 15

February's color is PINK and I will get my houses, stars, and heart blocks done up in time.

Dust Off Those Books

I had a pulled a bag pattern, but then changed my mind - February just isn't a bag making month.

With all this cold, wind, and snow I am longing for the sunny outdoors and flowers.  So I pulled this book instead.  I will need to re-study the techniques and suggestions, gather a few supplies I am lacking, and pull some fabrics.

There is a lovely section on flowers growing on gates and fences - and this is something I want to explore.  I know I have the background fabrics, lots of large, medium, and small flower prints, grasses, and 'wood' grain fabrics.  Sounds like a great playground right now.

In clearing out/organizing some of my cross-stitch supplies and bits, I stumbled across this.  I designed this pattern l-o-n-g ago and used it in many quilts, wallhangings, and mandelas for Boy Scouts earning their Eagle Badge.  I must have made this base piece ahead for a pending call to do one up.  I have been out of the Scouting program for 12 years now, so I don't think anyone will be calling for this.  It needs to be removed from it's Willow frame for a good washing and then I will play with finishing it off. 

This is just bonus play depending on my day, mood, weather, and family.  Maybe I'll get those Sew Sweet blocks into a runner, maybe I'll get my Sweet16 blocks into a flimsy, maybe I'll pull out my OMG to finish the last few blocks, maybe I'll just play in that tub full of little baggies (I have no idea what's in there).  Or maybe I'll just pull everything off my shelving units and flip those boards over so they warp back to 'flat' - geesh!  

Just Keeping it Simple,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love your idea of the landscapes to brighten up these winter months !

  2. How did you ever manage to get out of making something for Scouts reaching Eagle? I make carved slides and it is such a tradition that this week I got a note from a Scout long gone that has finally reached the point where I begin looking in my wood pile.

  3. hope your snow storm isnt to bad Sharon,your book looks very interesting xx

  4. Or maybe you'll just curl up with the furbabies, :) I have a feeling you'll get a lot done even though you seem at loose ends right not.

  5. Guess you got well covered with snow too...and more coming...ugh! I can't imagine dealing with it. Super love your idea for a landscape...I will be watching with interest! It should be fun.

  6. Well whatever you decided to do, I hope that you enjoyed it.

  7. Hope the snow doesn't continue. My pinks projects are well under way.

  8. While the snow was falling yesterday, I pulled out that same Landscape Quilts book and decided that I am finally going to do something with it. I love sunflowers and the book covers just made me smile. Although the snow is very pretty (all 15" or so), I'm ready for something more colorful from nature. Stay safe and warm. :-)

  9. I have that same landscape book , can't wait to see what you create from it :-) Have a fun month with your many projects and hope that snow stops soon.

  10. Sure love your cross stitch. Very Scouty...:) Reminded me I was a Boy Scott leader when Brett was 8....that was a lost memory....:) Just working on Sew Sweet Block 4 today while listening to my kindle.

  11. The mandela you designed is beautiful. Bet those scout troops remember and miss you.
    I've pulled some patterns and fabrics for a possible new Let's Book It project. Organizing my pink scraps for the RSC, too.
    Stay warm and be careful moving around in all that snow. Sounds like that Groundhog might have seen his shadow yesterday.

  12. Looks like you are going to have a great month INSIDE!! No groundhog here either as it is overcast but if he came out earlier this morning, there was a bit of sun!! Keep warm!!

  13. I'm excited to see how your landscape project goes. I've wanted to do one forEVAH, but just never seem to get to it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Well Sharon you talk like I think too a lot of maybes and then I just dive in. your work is always delightful to look at and receive. I am hoping to get some giving done this year! like thin out my fabric and books
    Happy sorting to you my friend.

  16. You are going to have a really interesting February. I have been cleaning, sorting and organizing and the best part is finding "lost" treasures. Creative Bliss...

  17. I love the idea of "playing" in a wonderful garden of flowers while the cold winds blow outside! Great project for February :) You designed that cross-stitch? Such talent in one person - wow!!!

  18. Looks like you have a fun February planned.

    Hope you've been able to dig out a bit. Temps here are supposed to hit 70 this weekend.

  19. It's always great to have choices! I could not be a one project at a time kinda gal!
    That eagle cross stitch is amazing!
