
Saturday, January 17, 2015

First 2015 Finish

And you thought it was going to be the cross stitch grape wreath!  HA!!  I thought that this little quilt needed to be finished up.  It has sat sandwiched and calling me.  This is "Little Letters" , a quilt along last year with Temecula Quilt Co. - the pattern is still on their sidebar if you are interested.

The 'letters' are all from my scrap basket and the background is scrap muslin from past projects.  The border/binding is 'Old World Comforts' by Thimbleberries for RJR fabrics - I have just a FQ left of it.  The back is a piece of double plushie left from another project.  I used no batt as the plush was thick enough for that cozy feel, but still giving lovely drape.  

A close up of the back - just a stitch in the ditch around the letter blocks and sashing and I love using the serpentine stitch on my machine.  I stretch it to it's full width setting with a little longer stitch - easier than doing 'waves' with the FMQ foot.  Then I shorten it for machine stitching the binding.

Yes, we have snow (more on the way tomorrow) - so tired of winter already.  Finished 38.5" x 43.5".  I need to give it a go in the washer and drier.

And since the machine is set up for quilting, I decided I might as well get my Charming Stars quilt done, too.  Yeah, those are the yellow head pins Bella loves to flick out on me - that's why it is folded up on the table while I pull thread(s) to possibly use and think on how to guilt this.

I got a third of it done - took a break and TA DA - there she is.  My official pin flicker hard at work.  So there will be no Slow Sunday Stitching as I want to finish this one up.

And I am so happy to notice that I have already played with the color for the year named by Pantone - Marsala.  If you look that up it is described from copper to terra cotta - you pick the meaning.  Thread photo is from Sulky as I was browsing their threads.  These are their Marsala threads.

Speaking of thread, I forgot to do my review of thread use for 2014.  Some people keep track of fabric used thru the year - me, it is thread.  I put my empty spools in this cute little 'friendship' bag I got in a swap years ago.  3 cones (5,500 yrds ea.), 7 spindles (3,500 yrds ea.), and 2  spools (550 yrds ea.).  These are just the empty spools - there was lots more used.  These are my gauge for re-ordering, but I have reviewed my thread supply and I have enough for probably another 3 years!  So unless I need something specific for a project, there will be a thread diet this year.

Well, time to thread up the machine,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Lovely finish, Sharon. You have certainly used lots of thread during the year.

  2. Very pretty alphabet quilt. I like the quiting. Congratulations on all the thread you used. Lots and lots of sewing in one year makes lots of lovely gifts.

  3. It turned out adorable and I have to chuckle at the fact that you have a pin flicker. That is one interesting job for the resume. BTW I'm sick of winter too.

  4. your alphabet quilt is adorable as is your pin flicking assistant

  5. I hate to tell you that we are enjoying beautiful sunny days with temperatures in the 50's and possibly 60's. And last Monday it was as good as a well digger's backside - it was blisteringly cold. That's the thing about Oklahoma weather, you never know what the weather is going to be and it can certainly change suddenly. There were districts last week not having school as close as 50 miles away (where my in-laws lived) because of the cold temperatures. Thank you for sharing your alphabet quilt - it is adorable. I need to get one made for my three year old grandson. He is making a "J" for his name and making it backwards - typical for that age. I always enjoy seeing your projects and your helpers,

  6. Your alphabet quilt is adorable, and I like your choice for a snuggly back. Well done!

  7. ABC quilt is very cute and comfy looking! But your method for thread counting is the best one yet! I love emptying spools but never seems to create more

  8. The little alphabet is adorable and I'm fascinated with the serpentine stitch, I need to play with my built in's, not only is it easier, but it's consistent. Empty thread spools disappear around here, they seem to make great toys.

  9. Love the alphabet quilt. Great colors.

  10. That's a great finish...the paw fabric on the still my beating heart. I like your idea for keeping track of thread. I might start doing that. No time like the present, as in January, to start a new yearly project. I have lots of thread, but most of it is rayon. It's going to take a lot of applique to use that up. I was doing machine embroidery when I bought a big set so I would have lots of colors. Then, I decided I didn't care for machine embroidery. Oh well...I'll have something to pass along to someone when my quilting days are done.

  11. Your Little Letters finish is so cute Sharon! I may have to make that when I get home.

  12. Congratulations on the finish, very cute and i love the paw print fabric on the back!

  13. Love your letters quilt... I must finish up mine.
    That is a lot of thread put to good use!

  14. Very cute quilt--congrats on an adorable finish!

  15. I so love that little abc quilt. Great idea to put a cuddly fabric on the back!

  16. Congrats on the finish. It's a cute quilt. Does it have a home or is it a "just in case" quilt?

  17. I love your ABC quilt...seeing it almost makes me wish I'd made one too! How is the quilting on your charming stars coming?

  18. love how the letters turned out. That backing is perfect. I did the X today only Y and Z to go hopefully this evening. I really don't want to pack up the letters for the move I would really like them to get at least as far as tops or they may be lost for years. Your faithful pin puller looks so innocent. Such a sweet face.

  19. I love how your ABC quilt turned out! Backing is perfect. Congratulations on a sweet finish : )

  20. Such a CUTE alphabet quilt!!! I wanted to do those but couldn't find the time :( Bella looks very happy sitting amongst all those lovely yellow-headed pins - and she looks a little mischievous too :) I too am ready for winter to move on somewhere else .... only 60 more days til summer!!!

  21. I LOVE your alphabet finish. Very nice. The idea of the thread count is great. It tells an accurate story.

  22. Your alphabet quilt is adorable and your little pin helper is adorable too . That is a lot of thread. Wow , I have never kept track but it would be interesting to see how much I use .

  23. Sharon, your first finish is wonderful! You did a really great job with it. Sorry about the snow . . . I trade with you if I could. We're sunny and in the 60's -- I'd like a little blanket of snow! :)

  24. congrats on the finish it looks great

  25. Great way to gauge what you use through the year.
    Have to thank you for continuing with Book it too. Thanks to you I finally got off my keester and got a couple of those little zippered and snappy bags finished. Now why did I ever put those off for so Long?

  26. Woohoo! A finish! Sorry, even more snow is headed your way. We only got about an inch or less, so far. I'd just washed my car, too. Oh well, summer will be here soon (keeping my fingers crossed).

  27. Love your ABC finish!! The backing is to get my own x y z done! :)

  28. Love the different coloured corner stones on the alphabet quilt.

  29. Visiting from Tuesday Archives. Very cute alphabet quilt, but even cuter is Bella who loves to pull pins? What is that about I wonder? Is she jealous of your quilting time or just the cutest thing ever? Never heard of keeping track of your thread use, but your thread is awfully pretty so I'm glad you showed it.
