
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Last Slow Sunday 2014

I hope every one had a lovely Holiday.  We have become quite the slugs.  Even though we've had seasonally warm weather, these two would rather just laze about the house.  I have hardly touched my sewing machine(s) and the handwork is something that has been more enjoyable.  December was my slow down month and I did just that.

The cross stitch is at the point of adding the vines.  This project will be rolling over into the new year - no hurry to finish, just to enjoy moments with needle in hand.

The Button Tree piece is all stitched, quilted, and buttons added.  Now it needs it's binding and hanging sleave stitched down.  And a label made, too.  This one should be done for my last 'finish' for the year.

I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Sewingly Yours,


  1. December has been a good month for slow stitching for me, too :)

  2. Nice to hear you're having decent weather, but shouldn't you be snuggled in with the fur kids? They look so cozy.

  3. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. I love this time of year too, when there's no need to rush anywhere. Your grapes are looking wonderful, Sharon.

  4. Glad you enjoyed some slow down time over the Christmas holiday! Your grapes are all the purples!! :)

  5. December certainly was a slow month for me too. You grape stitchery is lovely.

  6. Beautiful handwork Sharon. I'm hand quilting on the road as we travel to FL. It's a great change of pace after the hectic holidays. Happy New Year.

  7. I love your cross stitch, those grapes look good enough to eat.

  8. It's such a great time for some slow stitching. Your cross stiching is looking wonderful.

  9. The grapes look great! You had a productive week while you were relaxing.

  10. The cross stitch is going to be very pretty. And being a slug sometimes is a good thing.

  11. Becoming a slug sounds divine. If I can get thru 2 more days of chaos, I can be a slug on New Year's Eve and sew to my heart's content New Year's Day (my NYE plans fell thru but I don't mind staying off the hilly country roads on certain holidays).
    Enjoy your down time - the grapes look good enough to eat!

  12. I would love a few slug days right about now... Nice to be finishing another project before the end of the year

  13. The cross stitch is stunning. I used to do that before my vision went south and made it so difficult to see the stitches. Your word is gorgeous. Purple and green are my two fave colors and you have hit the jackpot with the vines and fruit.

  14. For me, stitching is a hobby so relaxed is just what it should be!
