
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Feline Friday & Sidling

Since Halloween, here in the NorEast it has gotten cold and dreary.  All one can do is catch a nap where one can.  I prefer to find some place a little more comfortable, but these two will drop off most anywhere. I know, usually Moe is in the box, but Bella claimed this one first. 

I have been sidling with my sewing and stitching all week.  I have been slowly cleaning, throwing out, and winterizing around the house.  On Sunday I did get a start on my NewFO project.

On Monday my Mom gave me a box of solid homespun scraps from an old railfence kit she pulled to finish up.  New scraps - yes just had to play with them.  I pulled my baggy of left over solid lites JR strips that need using up.

In between some vacumming and dusting, I put these little log cabins together.

Tuesday I got me some baby cudding time and a nice quiet visit with my daughter as the boys were in school.  When I got home (and caught a nap with the fur balls) I pulled the fabrics for the Sew Sweet Simplicity QAL.  Button is on the side bar - must sign up (free) to receive the blocks.

These are some left over FQs from a quilt along last year.  One of them is this lovely floral panel that I can get 4 centers from as I didn't want to applique or stitch the center.  I plan on just a 4 block quilt with 2 pillows - or however those few FQs will stretch. 

Wednesday was a day of a lot of errands, mail runs, UPS drop off, groceries - lots of car time.  But I wanted to get a start on my Let's Book It project.  She used the freezer paper and glue baste method - neither of my favorite methods, but sometimes you have to work techniques so I went with the flow.  I am starting with the house section and may change up to a smaller version rather than the whole original pattern.

Thursday was totally a wash as busy with the shop and sewing class.  And I cleaned windows and put up the winterize plastic, washed curtains and hung the insulated drapes.

Today I hope to get some sewing time to put together my Christmas Row Quilt.  The kitchen floor  needs mopping and I have some new table clothes for the dining and kitchen tables - an easier house chore day. Oh, I need to put together my supplies for a Quilt Guild Saturday Class - making a purse from a tie.  

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Such a productive week on so many levels. The tiny log cabins are sweet. I can't wait to see the purse from a tie project. Sounds very interesting.

  2. Fall comes and gos so very fast...that yes, soon we find ourselves winterizing and trying to fit everything in. I always enjoy seeing what you are up to. :)

  3. It sounds like you had a good week, especially the cuddle time :). I like what you did with the center of the star block, I have similar fabric some where and may try it. Thanks.

  4. I LOVE the log cabins. The colors are just fabulous.

    There is nothing like a little cuddle time to brighten the day.

  5. Maybe you need to become a "two" box family....grin. I really like that stitching. Such a cute design.

  6. I agree - you've been quite productive this week!!! My cats seem to have their fav napping spots: Squeaky on the purple afghan, Zorro under the quilt on the bed and Midgie in the corner of th too-big-for-her cat bed. And they all have other spots that are too big or too small: amazing they can crash where ever. I much prefer my bed with the e-blanket or the couch with the afghan :)

  7. Oh wow, love what you did with the solid scraps.

    You are such an inspiration in using scraps instead of storing them! I'm trying to sort all mine and am thinking the best idea would be to decide on some scrappy projects and sort for those!

  8. awee how cute the kitties look all nestled in the warm and cozy home. I miss my buttons she was a great kitty. love your sew simplicity block I have to get mine done so i can make the one coming up soon.

  9. My grand babies are growing up fast, cuddly days now a warm memory. Your post reminds me of those sweet times, makes me smile.
    Oh my. Cute sleeping fur babies.
    Love the new projects. Hope you post a pic of the tie purse when it's finished.

  10. I'm glad that you got some time to play with the fabric with all the winter prep going on.

  11. Great project,s Sharon!! I especially love the Sew Sweet Simplicity QAL block!!

  12. ]Love your Sew Sweet Simplicity colors.

  13. Some day I hope to fit as much into my week as you seem to do in a day. I like your fabric for the Sew Sweet Simplicity blocks.

  14. Love the mini log cabins!! How big are they and did yiu traditional piece? Did yiu use any soecial technique?

  15. Love your fur babies and I can't wait to see that stitchery finished. So sweet!
