
Friday, October 31, 2014

Winnings & A Winner

I've got to get some late thank you's in order.  My package of goodies from the Pets On Quilts came a little late from Sew South, but I'm also late on saying thank you .  The Stitched book will come in handy for our Quilt Guild's crazy quilt challenge - as well as the threads and that FQ - I have a 'gathering supplies' box for this project.  The Cog & Wheel pattern looks interesting and may be seen done up in 2015.  The wrap around skirt pattern I passed on to a younger generation.

I won a certificate for a Craftsy class thru the Scrap Quilt Challenge and used it to pick up the class 'Pattern Free Quilt Making' with Joe The Quilter.

And I was the lucky winner of this School House pin from Barbara for the September NewFO.  It is already on my guild name tag badge.


Now for the winner of the Black Cat Crossing give away:

charlotte said...
This is my favorite spooky line of all times. I LOVE your pick four quilt. Just perfect and the divided basket is great in this line.

I will contact her for mailing and thank you all for leaving such lovely comments - that was a very fun Hop with some very creative people.

**And I know some of you are hearing (and seeing) the 4-letter word - SNOW!!  Yes, us too**

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Oh such happy mail! And congrats to your winner too!

  2. Congratulations for being such a winner!! What fun to get more than bills and advertisements in the mail!! Congratulations to Charlotte, as well. It's always so much fun to be a winner.

  3. Congrats Sharon love your pin and congrats to your lucky winner.xx

  4. Congratulations to Charlotte and to you Sharon!!

  5. It's sew fun to win thise pins. Heres hoping I get the next one...

  6. Congrats on the wins.....yes, dusting of snow here in the deep South! That wicked 4 letter word has appeared a bit too early for us.

  7. Congrats on the wins, you did well over the last month. And congrats to Charlotte.

  8. The little schoolhouse pin is so cute.

    Can we turn back the calendar a few months. I am not ready for this time of the year.

  9. Congrats to you *and* to your winner!!! :)

  10. It is too soon to think about snow. I was thrilled to have made it though Halloween without any weather catastrophes. The last few years have brought nasty surprises at the end of October.

  11. Nice loot, congratulations! Did you have snow already? I know you would be one of the first to get it but this seems early. Stay warm.

  12. Congratulations! Nice win.
    We got snow in our NC mountains yesterday. Today the sky's blue and it is COLD!

  13. Very nice goodies you have there and congrats to the winner. And as for that nasty four letter word....Uggg!
