
Friday, October 10, 2014

Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Quilt Show-Day 1

First, I really am horrible with my camera - and all the florescent lights and big windows - so hard to take pictures.  Our highlight is The Man Cave as we have three very talented men in our quild  They had so many pieces they would not fit in the designated room, so we had an overspill.

Ron, Ron, and Matthew have quite a range of projects.  Both Rons are long armers - Ron (1) probably long armed half the quilts in the show - Ron (2) quilts in another whole style.

You probably recognized this Missourie Star Quilt Co. pattern - there are a few in the show.

Unfortunately the quilts on this 'wall' were against all those large windows and difficult to get good photos.

As was this gorgeous piece that I just LOVED.  Ron (2) with some amazing work - he should be entering larger shows.

I tried to get a close up to show the detail - this piece is only 10" square.

This is just amazing - playing with Trapunto , fibers, specialty stitching, and crystals. 

Ron (1) met a challenge with my Mom - she did this too but a little different setting.

Yeah, these guys made some BIG quits - that make a statement.

I had done a quild meeting on setting blocks with different sashings - this one is taken to a new level - these are 2" squares (finishing 1.5") - use those scraps!

A spin on an Amish Star and the woven quilt - both big hits today.  We have a lot of black and white quilts in the show, too.  Oh, and purple pops up every where.

They had more, but let's not let them steal the show (although I think they are doing just that).  Tomorrow I work The Best House which you can read about HERE.  I have never been to this exhibit and look forward to it.  The antique quilts are being shown here - I'm white gloving.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. The Man Cave - LOL!!! These are some beautiful quilts!! I love the one with the tiny postage stamps and the one with the circle detail. Did Ron put those cicrles on by hand?? Are any of the quilts in the show yours??

  2. What wonderful talent! I would love to see it in person. That scrap sashing is amazing.

  3. Oh WOW...some STuNNinG quilts in the show! Love the leaf quilt... :)

  4. What a good idea to have a quilt show in a library. Beautiful quilts. Especially your 2" scrappy squares quilt. Cool sashing.

  5. The Man Cave too cute. Their work is amazing. So much due candy. I love the leaf quilt. Have fun being one of the white glove ladies .

  6. Love that you have some men in your guild. Some terrific quilts from them as well. Particularly liked the quilting on the small quilt you showed.

  7. What a great show! Love the Man Cave with so much talent! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Hi Sharon,such lovely quilts and handy having some men in the quilt,we have our first male now.xx

  9. Oh those are really great and thanks for sharing since I can't make it there this year. Are you planning on coming to Schenectady next weekend?

  10. The Man Cave is a super idea....just love that!Those guys are just amazing with all the quilting they do. And wow....that one with 2" squares is wonderful! Thanks.

  11. what a spectacular event. So much hard work and such terrific results. Love the Man Cave. Thanks for sharing it all with us.

  12. Wow, the men are stealing the show, those quilts are gorgeous, lucky you seeing them up close and in person.

  13. Beautiful quilts, wonderful quilting. Thanks for sharing all those lovelies.

  14. love it the woven quilt is on my to do list

  15. The autumn leaves quilt is super. They are a talented bunch, those guys.

  16. All the quilts are beautiful, but the autumn leaves quilt just takes my breath away!!

  17. So many wonderful quilts. I love that you have a man cave for the men in your guild. As yet, we don't have any men in our guild. Maybe one day one will join. Thanks for the show and tell, Sharon.

  18. What a nice quilt show. Lucky quild to have thee males. The spin on the amish star is quite colorful. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Many beautiful quilts. I love the scrappy using 2 inch squares! The setting makes it quite different than any I've seen.
