
Sunday, October 26, 2014

On the Wall Monday 10/27/14

I know Bonnie Hunter's new mystery will be starting soon, but I have so many scrappy projects on the go - I would rather get things finished at this point in the year.  Would truly like no 'roll-over' UFOs.  So I started putting together my lozenges blocks into rows.  They went into twosies, then foursies - really time to just get this one wrapped up.

The Temecula Quilt Co. 'Little Letters' is all coming together out of that scrap basket too - background/sashing is left overs from another quilt.  Since these are quick little blocks, I usually wait for two to come out and then to make them up together.  The next two I think I need to start putting the row sashings on - then when the last row is done this can be quickly finished up.

And since the 4 (yes 4) scrap projects are not emptying that scrap basket - someone had to mention the OMG (oh my gosh) quilt and using 1.5" bits instead of the 1".  I have a LOT of 1.5" strips (or very ravelly 2" strips) and also using my pre-cut barrels which are overflowing.  So a start on this - half of the setting blocks were quickly done in a day.

Yup, dumped that barrel of 1.5" squares to make up the little 4-patch units needed.  Got all I needed out of this barrel and it still is rather full.  The setting corners will come from another barrel.  And the shoe fly units will come out of that blasted basket, too.

Don't forget that the Black Cat Crossing Hop is still running this week:

Monday, October 27  

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Why is it that scraps seem to multiply as quickly as you use them!!

  2. I too caved for the OMG quilt using 1.5 inch strips for the nine patches. So cute!

  3. Love your little letters! What a cute scrappy quilt. I'm working on that one too. I'm not sure where I'm going to put it, but I know it's going to be cute!

  4. WOW! Love the quilts and how you're using up the scraps you have -

  5. You are going to have so many nice quilts with those scraps. Your little letters are so cute. I think I need to do a few more in a different colorway!

  6. You are on a roll. Mine are all started but I can't find the time to finish them. I just put together one that my daughter started a few years ago and it is totally pitiful...can't decide what to do with it now. It's not worth keeping.

  7. You're doing great with the scraps! I know it seems like they never end but if you never used them they'd REALLY stick around. Love every single project you shared.

  8. Ummm...that's a lot of patches in that barrel! How fun that you could do that!! :)

  9. Such a scrappilicious blog post! Love the lozenges, and the letters, and every project you are sewing :)
    No rollovers?!?! For real?!?!

  10. Great scrappy projects. I need to make more lozenge blocks before I can start putting mine together. The OMG in 1 1/2" squares is tempting.

  11. Nice to see all your Scrap-tastic stuff. Jo & Nell sure gave you a Nudge too. The lozenges are going to be a fun quilt! Bonnie H will be glad to see it. I'm saving my scrap savers to see what sizes I need for the next mystery. Gotta cut up all my Mystery colors into the correct sizes when she gives that first clue!

  12. Great blocks. I really like the OMG blocks. I have tons 1.5 squares.

  13. Well now you've gone and done it!!! I've been avoiding the OMG quilt for several years, and a couple friends have made it - it's GORGEOUS made up! If you're going to be working on it, I might have to as well.... I don't want to be guilty of the sins of jealously and covetousness, right? Ugh!!!! All those little tiny pieces - you would have yours made before I even got started!

  14. Your little letters are coming along great! You N esp. looks great!! I had trouble with that one...shhh don't tell. LOL!

  15. All your scrappy projects look great. Every little bit helps, though sometimes it might not seem like it.

  16. You're way ahead of me finishing UFOs Sharon but the next couple of weeks should see me get a few done - I sure hope so! blessings, marlene
