
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Let's Book It - October Link Up


Have you been looking a little more at your book shelf?  Are those dusty books, patterns, and magazines been calling more loudly?  I admit that I have been pulling mine out more frequently to browse and bookmark (again).

This was my pick for October - Pick Four by Sue Abrey.  Now I know Sue only thru blogging as she hosted a few Christmas QALs and surprised us during one of these with the announcement of her book - and I one a copy in one of her give aways.  Sue blogs over at Quilt Times.

This is the pattern that I chose from the book and I used it double duty so to speak - for a blog hop if you remember.

Yes, it was for my Black Cat Crossing project.  The perfect pattern for the end of the Ghastlies.  This pattern worked up so quickly - I had the flimsy done in a day.

And then it took me a day to piece the back and sandwich up the quilt.  And then the next day to quilt and bind it.  I rarely go from cutting fabric to a finish with complete sittings, but this one worked up this way.

This month's Quilt Barn Pin and Charm is the Bear Paw:


Now its' your turn to show off your Let's Book It project.  Link will be open until November 4, 10 pm(EST) and I will contact the winner immediately - I do ship overseas.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Finally made it, all the way from February to October!

    I hope you run the Book It challenge next year; I'd love to try it. I have to say I've never made a set pattern in my four years of quilting, but I'm sure being inspired by someone else's work is more or less the same thing!

  2. Your Ghasties quilt turned out beautifully. For some reason every time i see the diagonal lines make me think of fractured glass.

  3. Great name for the Ghastlies! You've done a nice job on that quilt.

  4. You've done such a great job of blowing off the dust from your books this year Sharon! I'm hoping to do more of that this coming year :)

  5. Love that Ghastlies quilt, I'm going to miss them. I'm finally back and linked up, I've so missed this.

  6. It was a great pick and the quilt turned out just Ghastlie. :)
