
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Handmade Christmas Challenge - August

2014 Christmas Handmade Pledge

I am slowly filling that Christmas Gift Box by joining in with the Pledge to make handmade gifts throughtout the year.  And being we are getting closer, maybe it is time for you to start thinking about joining in.

This month I used Sherri's pattern for A Month of Simple Small Projects with A Quilting Life. She offered a star pattern for pot holders and strip piecing for a table runner.  But I have been admiring some very pretty kitchen towels made by a certain blogger, so I used the strips to decor some towels for a nice pressie set.

I used charms from 'Tried & True' by Nancy Halvorsen for Benartex - quartered them to have a lot of fun 2.5" squares to play with.  Some scrap plaids from the bucket for the towel tops and potholder binding.

You can join in any month and please go visit SewCalGal to get some Christmas project inspiration.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Oh, another super gift! I love the colors you choose and you purged more of your stash!

  2. Great gifts! I especially like the star pot holders. I am glad you share which fabric line the fabrics were from or I would have asked. I love the colors!

  3. Very pretty, Sharon. I really love the potholders. The fabrics are beautiful.

  4. Someone is getting a really nice gift, I love the colors you used.

  5. Hi Sharon you have made some lovely gifts my friend,well done.xx

  6. Lovely gifts for your present box there, Sharon.

  7. Great combo of projects and fabric to make someone a special Christmas present! You are more organized than me!

  8. Love those pot holders with the jewel tones. Yummy.

  9. I love the colours in your towels and pot holders. Great gifts choices too! :)

  10. Love your towels and pot holders. What a good Christmas gift ideal

  11. The potholders are great but I just love the idea of the towels.

  12. Love this idea - I was cleaning out a closet in my sewing room last week and noticed I still had a large piece of insul-brite so I better get some orphan blocks out and get started. blessings, marlene

  13. Love the warm colors in that kitchen set! Those will definitely be a welcome gift to whoever is lucky enough to receive them.

  14. Who in the world wouldn't want that?!!! Makes me really want to make some...I need to get off my chair and get to work! Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. such wonderful colours and wow i would be over the moon to get this gift
