
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hanging by a Thread

This was suppose to be a year of small projects.  Somehow that got out of alignment.  I was shocked to see my piecing thread down so low.  Now that cone was started June 6th (had a blog post on that) - and I have a full cone there so you can see just how much I have used.  And yes, there has been other threads used for quilting.

That's where I have been hanging - trying to get that pile of 'to be quilted' into a controlled state.  Also, some secret sewing and dead-line projects ticked off the list.  Yeah, I got that cool new lime green (Black & Decker) iron just for fun.  Well, sometimes my SIL and I battle for the iron, so a second ironing board and iron entered the room.  I, also, noticed that my two favorite rulers are horribly worn - my 6.5" square and 6.5" x 13" (which I actually cut off a corner the other day).  I like to use the same maker rulers so all my cuts are the same thru my work.  So 90 percent of my rulers are Easy Rule by Sharon Hultgren (and made in the USA) - rulers and some other supplies/notions are ordered.

Today I needed a break so did some purging.  I went thru my drawer carts that are suppose to hold those less than a yard but bigger than a FQ - HA!  So FQ size got moved down into the FQ totes, and strips/scrap size got moved down into that basket that I was so trying to empty.  See - it's never ending.  But the drawers are all nice a neat, FQ totes refreshed, and I have a nice variety of scraps to play with for block making.

A few more blocks added - those mini eclair plastic boxes hold those 6" blocks perfectly.  One is full and I am working on filling the second one.  And the lids are in the back there - holding some other cuts for leader/ender projects going.

 One of those leader/enders is the lazenge blocks (Bonnie Hunter).  I needed just a dozen more of the lite corner ones so I whipped those off and was able to clean up those 2" squares into their respective barrel.  I need to count my black corner lazenges to see what is left for a finish - maybe there is just a dozen or so there and I'll just whip them off, too.  Then they will become a leader/ender of sewing twosies.

I haven't had too many kitty photo opportunities - or just too buried in projects - so I'll catch Moe taking a nap tonight while I am typing this up.  Moe is in the dog house - he has lost 6 new flea collars in 6 days.  Yes, he takes them off (break-a-way collars) himself.  Like some people have electic dog fences around their property - I think we have Moe flea collars around our property.  Maybe he figures if he places them around the perimeter it will keep the fleas out and he won't have to wear one.

I have a little more secret sewing to finish tomorrow and then handsewing bindings/hanging sleeves to do for the weekend.  I'm hoping the weather cooperates, too, as I have to take a lot of photos of projects - then I can breath the last few days of the month.   You probably won't hear from me until Tuesday's post for the link-up for 'Let's Book It' - so have a lovely weekend.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. that Moe sure is a quick thinker!
    cover the perimeter LOL
    your blocks and scraps look good. I need to regroup. but in the middle of tons of things and want to keep going. kind of like the kid that wont stop playing to go to the bathroom. just your scrap system. mine is just put scraps in a small bag and basket and use them up. the bigger cuts are in tubs but not arranged by color or any rhyme or reason

  2. Whoa....take a breath! You are just steam rolling along. Like your storage container idea too. And i see some nice vintage florals in your stash....also, got those great doll quilts in the mail and will be taking photos before the rain today to share. Thank you.

  3. The weather today and tomorrow are supposed to be great so you should be able to get lots of fantastic photos. Make sure you take a break every so often to rest and refuel.

  4. What are you planning to do with all those 6" blocks? You make me pea green with envy at the thought of all that tidiness. LOL No sooner to I clear off my work table and/or my cutting table but they are piled up high again with Stuff

  5. I'm buried in projects too. It's a busy time of the year! Afraid I'm not going to get my Let's Book It project started this month. It will go on the list for August.

  6. As you I have a lot of litle secreat sewing going on, I have a orange B&D iron, love the colors.

  7. Ha!! I am not surprised that you go though a whole pile of thread!!!
    And I guess I need to start eating mini eclairs.....well , if I have to I guess I will have to! LOL

  8. I like your storage ideas....and that lime green iron! Some of my rulers are so worn too. I hate replacing something that still work but is just a bit difficult to read.

  9. Sharon with all the sewing you gave been doing, I can totally believe that you used that much thread. I love to organize. I work better and yours looks great. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. You sure have been busy. It takes time just to get those Leaders and Enders organized but once they are it is smooth sailing.

  11. Wowsey!! You are one busy girl!! I have been sick the past few days so just reading about everything you are doing makes me need another nap!! LOL!! Enjoy your weekend and tell Moe, I think he is one funny cat!! :-))

  12. WOW! Have you been busy! Love all your stitching -
    have a great weekend

  13. You put me to shame with all you accomplish. I'm going to have to start eating mini eclairs so I can have some storage boxes:) Doesn't Moe look innocent sleeping, without his flea collar I guess.

  14. That thread cone is very impressive. I had a cat that got it's front paws wedged in his flea collar in the days before breakaway. He was missing for 2 days and we finally found him in the woods near our apartment whimpering but thankfully not hurt or attacked by another animal.

  15. Have you tried that new iron? I'm looking for a new is leaking!

  16. You have been busy! I need to take a little time and straighten things up! I look forward to seeing the photos of your projects. Just wondering do you always get the same brand of flea collar?

  17. Sounds like you've made a lot of progress on both organization and on projects. Good luck with all your end of the month plans.

  18. My goodness you have been busy :-) Love your organisation too. Cats and collars...I think that those collars go to the same place the missing socks go to! Lol

  19. I'm always on the lookout for containers I can recycle to store fabric and blocks. I like your mini eclair containers, but I can't afford the extra calories. I'll have to look elsewhere.
    Poor Moe, I can't blame him for ditching the collars. It must be annoying to wear them.

  20. Seems like you have a plan to keep everything moving along nicely. I started the year with hopes of finishing all my WIPs and UFOs. Not start anything new. Can't say that worked out for me 100% :(

  21. Industrious Sharon strikes again!! I wish I was as organized and driven as you are. Ha!!
