
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Design Wall Monday 7/14/14

I'm still working on the Purge Project - heck, this is the way I work all the time as a scrap quilter.  My 2.5" barrel had lots of new bits added, so I grabbed my apple basket of lites for some more muslin to cut up.

I have been working on some highly intense projects and need something to just mindlessly chain thru the machine.  I have 4 of these 20" units for another postage stamp quilt. A 3 x 3 setting with a scrappy border will give another good clean out of scraps.

We are to have rain for most of the week (wish I could send some to the other coast), so this is a good rainy project.

Please be sure to visit Patchwork Times to see what others are working on.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Great way to use up your scraps. If it rains here right now it is a HOT RAIN! I'm not complaining about the heat. I remember the Wintertime too well and how it dragged late into Spring.

  2. I have to tell you two things.

    1. You are so industrious and "green" as they say, using scraps as often as you do.

    2. You make me tired just thinking about using all those little pieces of fabric. Ha!!

  3. Do you ever sleep Sharon?? Or eat? I am always amazed at how much you get done.

  4. Your mindless chain piecing sure produces gorgeous blocks. Way to go, Sharon!

  5. You made a good start on those postage stamp blocks. That's another quilt that's on my bucket list.

  6. I always enjoy purge projects like this too Sharon! Great way to use up scraps!

  7. I wish you could send us some of that rain too!!!

    The postage stamps are looking good.

  8. Hi Sharon what a great way to use up yours scraps,well done my friend.xx

  9. Most excellent way to use up scraps that multiply while we sleeps. I'm staying away from highly intense projects for awhile.
    Hoping for some rain here tomorrow. We are a bit dry here.

  10. Great postage stamp blocks! I need to get my scraps more organized!

  11. Sometimes it's good to just do mindless chain piecing!

  12. Love those postage stamp blocks. They just have so many quilty memories.

  13. Sometimes I want a project that doesn't require a ton of thinking and allows me to just mindlessly sew...this would be it! Cute way to use those scraps!

  14. Mindless sewing is always good and using up the scraps couldn't be better.

  15. I particularly like these. Maybe I should have done something with more negative space, as this is so much more visually restful. Thanks for sharing!
