
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sort, Clean, Finish

My dear bloggy friend Selina has been sharing her scraps with me.  I spent a day sorting and cleaning up one huge box.  I even got several string blocks made and passed on some long strings to my Mom for her toothbrush rug project.  Smaller pieces cut up into my pre-cut barrels, FQ size into the totes and 2.5" strips into another tote - using for some new QALs.  All cleared in time for another box to arrive - Moe and I thank you Selina.

Speaking of new QALs, you probably noticed new buttons on my sidebar.  I really am so tempted but really need to finish some priority projects first.  As some items finish  up I will be removing those buttons - so June will be a sort, clean, finish of those side buttons.

I received this lovely little quilt from my May partner for the Monthly Doll Quilt Swap Group.  We chose to not use the monthly theme 'Go Modern', but chose something that expressed May for Me.  I love the fabrics, butterflies, and setting 9-patch.  Thank you Patti for such a lovely swap.

I don't really have a nice space for a design wall, so tack things where I can - yeah, I hung it one way and then the other and still got a crappy photo.  Not like I need to really start this, but it was tempting and short term.  This is the new Trifle Dish Sew Along (a row quilt) over at Moda.  I'm using those scraps out of those huge boxes (and a few of my own) and will send this on to Sarah.

I did manage a finish - my Relaxing Round Robin.  My Juki was set up for quilting some of my SILs projects, so I went ahead and machine quilted instead of hand quilting.  Those are tiny star buttons in the setting triangles and I used some antique red flower buttons in the applique flower centers - yeah, I like buttons.

And because I cleaned up and had a finish, I thought it is a good time to start on my Let's Book It project.  Everything is cut and labeled, so hopefully I can get a few rows done today before I have to head for my Quilt Guild meeting - our last meeting for the year (we meet Sept-June) so it's our annual picnic.  Yes, I am cooking - lasagna.  We have gone back to rainy and cold weather, so something warm sounds good to me.

Sewingly Yours, 


  1. You must go like the wind Sharon when you are sorting and cutting those scraps of yours. It takes me ages to sort, iron, cut, stow away. Looks like your helper was more of a hinderer though!

  2. You have been so busy! Your row quilt is coming along really well. Excellent quilting on your round is so pretty. Wonderful addition of those buttons.

  3. I too am cleaning up around here. trying not to start anything else until I FINISH something. making myself finish TWO to start ONE. that will keep me on track to finish and have LESS UFOs. (yeah right) sounds good on paper doesnt it? LOL
    love your round robin. it is very pretty!

  4. Lol I agree with Dasha Sharon you never stop and I love the butterfly quilt ,.xx

  5. It looks like Moe is choosing the scraps to keep, the softest and warmest probably. Your "Let's Book It" looks very interesting, I'm loving the colors and fabric you laid out.

  6. I don't know where you find the time - you manage it so well. I have an 84 year young friend that I have started showing how to make quilt tops and she has gone wild with it. I give her all my scraps and it's like Christmas to her. She sorts them by size and color and keeps them in tissue boxes.

  7. I need to borrow you to clean up and organize my scraps!

  8. Nice of Selina to pass on her scraps , you will make great use of them . Sweet doll quilt and I love your RR , great finish :-)

  9. I've been tempted to start the Moda row project too. Yours looks great in those colors.

    I love your "box minder"!

  10. Love your Round Robin finish and the butterfly quilt! What a great friend to share her fabric with you! Looks like you picked great fabrics for your new project!

  11. The little star buttons are a nice touch on that sweet quilt. Moe's comfort is certainly accommodated by those scraps.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Love the mini quilt! I also enjoy going through scraps of other quilters. It gives me a taste of another person's artistry

  14. Selina is such a sweetie. Love her to bits!

    You always amaze me with all that you can accomplish in such a short time.


  15. I like how your Round Robin finished up. The buttons add a lot to it. What does it say in the Center? Have loads of fun with the Scrap Box. The swap Butterflies are perfect with the 9-patches.

  16. The doll quilt is darling, I love just about anything with butterflies.

    Looking forward to seeing your Book It project come together. I really like the colors you've picked.

  17. The butterfly quilt is just gorgeous. I've learned from another blogger to have the goal of cutting up the leftover scraps in different sizes at the time so they will be usable. I think it is a great idea. xx debbie

  18. Man, it feels so good to get scraps sorted...I always feel it is time well spent because I know from history that I won't use them if they aren't pressed and organized so that I can get my hands on them when the creative lightning strikes. Congrats on another finish!

  19. I'm envious of all you've gotten done! I can't get into my sewing room right now because it's loaded up with everything out of my living room and sun room so the painters can get those rooms painted. But I'm hoping they finish today and I can put things back right tomorrow! blessings, marlene

  20. Don't know how I missed this post with such a cute picture of Moe in a box of scraps!! And the cute doll quilt : )
    Good start to the Moda row quilt. I was tempted, but couldn't work it in this month. I'll watch you play along.
