
Friday, June 20, 2014


Valerie of Val's Quilting Studio is celebrating her first Blogaversary and has the most brilliant idea of sharing your first blog post.  I was a quilt blog reader for almost two years before I braved that new beginning.

My first post was actually a small introduction, so I will post up my SECOND POST - that actually had photos.  It all began with joining in with the Brown Bag Swap and you needed to be an active blogger.  This swap has led to so many others, meeting new and wonderful bloggers around the world, and being exposed to so many new fabrics and designs/designers.  Truly, it has been MAGIC.

Won't you join in and share your first blog post?

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Sharon thanks for sharing the first post linky...I'm off to check out yours right now!

  2. I saw your post hours ago and it sent me off to memory lane, LOL.

  3. I get that same message every morning when I wake up.....start something new.......giggle.

  4. Thanks for sharing that Sharon. I have linked up and am now writing a post about it.

  5. The brown bag swap was my impetus to
    start a blog as well!! Although I only did one swap - you did two! I still haven't backed and quilted the quilt I made - although I love it. I'm off to check out and see if you finished yours. :)

  6. I was a blog reader too Sharon for a long time before I actually started my own. I am amazed at how many people follow my blog who don't blog themselves. And then, there are times when blogging eats up entire afternoons that I wonder why I blog!!! I'm glad that YOU do - I always enjoy being inspired by what you are working on and challenged by how much you always get done :)

  7. What a fun idea that Val had!! I, like Dana, saw your post yesterday and then I was off down memoey lane and then bedtime!! LOL!! I'm going to share my 2nd post too because my first post was just a getting started paragraph!! I'll go check it out!! Thanks!!
