
Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Goals

I plan on participating again with the "Something Old, Something New" challenge.  We all have that old project that really should be pulled out and finished.  AND who needs an excuse to start something new.

I did finish putting together April's Something Old - Scrappy Chain QAL project. It needs a couple of borders to be truely finished, but I have to think on that(I hate borders).

My May Something Old will be to finally put these stitcheries into a wallhanging.  This was a little stitch along in 2011 with Paula Stoddard who now works at Quilty Pleasures.  

April's Something New was the Triangle QAL, so love how this piece turned out.  May's project will be, also, my project for A Quilting Life 'simply small projects' - which is a pillow.

Again, being given the OK to start something new - yeah!!  April's was my doll quilt swap and I will be using the same for May.

April's project was the large block quilt - May's project will be the Asian fabrics for the Doorway to China pattern.

I have the last round of the Relaxing Round Robin to complete.  Plan on playing with my green scraps for the Rainbow Challenge.  And I have a small project for the Make it Homemade Christmas Challenge.

A small list for me, but I also have May for Me all this month.  Making ME time will be a highlight this month. I'm hoping Spring will arrive sometime during May - our trees have yet to pop their leaf buds and the only flowers have been a few crocus, a handful of daffodils, and some early tulips - the winter was hard on them (or the squirrels and chipmonks).  I would really like to include some time in the flower beds.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Great projects for May Sharon and I'm sure you will finish all of them! Hopefully you will get some time in the flower beds too!

  2. I love your scrappy chain quilt! I almost never put borders on my quilts, unless I need to just to make them bigger. I was doing borderless before borderless was cool! LOL

  3. Looks like you have the whole months of May already planned full with quilting! All the projects are inspirational!

  4. Spring has taken it's sweet time this year hasn't it? Congrats on your April progress. The Scrappy Chain turned out nicely. Have fun with your May projects.

  5. The scrappy chain is beautiful! Makes me think I need to make one. I think it can work with or without borders.

  6. Love all your projects, your stitcheries stand out to me! fun!

  7. Beautiful quilts, Sharon. I like quilt with and without border. My how time flies. Can't believe it's already May. The forecast here is for a weekend of spring. Yah. I'm hoping to finish up a couple charity quilts this month, one for my quilting guild and one for H2H.

  8. Nice to see you're still chugging along and making a gorgeous array of items each month!! These are all gorgeous!! - could I suggest the idea of maybe just doing another row of the QAL blocks if you don't want to add borders? ... Good luck with your goals for May!!

  9. Your scrappy chain quilt is lovely. I admire anyone who can set (and achieve) so many goals in one month! I hope your weather does warm up; looks like we're finally getting a warm weekend for the first time this year!

  10. A "small" list huh? You tickle me Sharon, you really do!!! Looking forward to seeing your plans become a reality in May :)

  11. I keep going back to the scrappy chain and thinking "does it really need a border?" and yes it does, but I know how you hate them.

  12. Sounds like a great list to me! I'm hoping to get back to my usual crafting activities now that most of the boxes are unpacked! Thanks for joining SOSN again this month.

  13. some great goals there, those stitcheries are adorable

  14. some great goals there, those stitcheries are adorable
