
Monday, April 7, 2014

Tuesday Archives

Val's Quilting Studio

This weeks Tuesday Archives is 'Bindings' and 'Birds' .  We all do miles of bindings and I admit, I don't really show case them.  I prefer to hand stitch my bindings, but charity, utility, and baby quilts I like to do (and it's usually requested) by machine as they will get a lot of washing and wear.   But I do have a Bird wallhanging to share.

I don't have a lot to show on this piece which was originally post HERE in 2010 shortly after just starting to blog.  I learned to paper piece with this project (began quilting in 2009).  Yes, learned!!  I went for it all even back then - some of these have over 100 pieces. Even back then I researched each of the birds and their habitat.  I took sometimes months to find just the right fabrics - mix of batiks, prints, and hand dyed. This is a Silver Linings Original pattern - if you sign up for her newsletter you get her BOM free for the month - currently another bird bom for 2014.  

I used this piece with my Pets on Quilts-2011 and you can see more of it HERE

Be sure to visit others who are showing off their archives today at Val's Quilting Studio

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Great wall hanging. I followed your link and thoroughly enjoyed that post.

  2. Oh you are such a "show off" and I'm so glad you
    I love everything you do... :)

  3. I have never stitched a binding by machine. I guess being a "perfectionist," I want to hand stitch it. My husband used to tell me there was only one who was perfect and He had nails in His wrists. In other words, we are to strive to be better, but we aren't going to be perfect, so don't sweat it! The quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I enjoy your posts very much. Wow! The work (including the research) that went into that quilt. Thank you for being generous to share it with us.

  4. 100 pieces would have intimidated me; you must have been very motivated. It is a beauty; one of a kind.

  5. What a beautiful finish! Sometimes these quilt are actually relaxing to get instant gratification with each block and it's fun to see them come all together!

  6. Those are amazing birds. They must be really intricate.

  7. Sharon that is a beautiful quilt - and especially as your first pp quilt! I'm off now to check out that blog - I love birds!!!!

  8. Sharon, I am commenting again on this post to see if using a different computer makes a difference. Let me know if you receive it by email if you don't mind. You can delete this comment afterward - thanks!

  9. I can't even begin to think of the time it took to complete this beautiful piece!! Great share, Sharon! :)

  10. This quilt really inspired me to want to do a bird quilt. I like two more blocks having it ready to add sashing. I love the way yours looks like a window and hope to try that with it.

  11. Beautiful quilt! Your first paper piecing project? Wow!
