
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Triangle QAL


I have been participating in The Sassy Quilter 's Triangle Quilt Along.  First picking out fabric, cutting all those triangles, stitching rows, and now putting it all together.

I admit that I went right from cutting to putting it all together.  I used the line 'London' @ Free Spirit.  And I didn't lay it out - I know, brave.  I just stacked my blues and my pinks seperate and with each row, flipped 2 blues under and 4 pinks under their respective piles and just kept going.  I love the results.  Since this photo I have trimmed the edges.  Nah, not going to fight those sides with binding on this one.  We have two weeks to quilt/finish, but this one is hitting the machine as soon as the 'Paper Dolls' quilt is done.

If you have never tried a triangle quilt - don't be afraid of them - they really do work up quite easy and fast.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. It looks lovely, Sharon. If I only had time to stitch one up. ;)

  2. Looks great, Sharon! Love those colors and prints. How do you think you will quilt it?

  3. Lovely fabrics Sharon. It will be a very pretty quilt when you get it done.

  4. so pretty. great job in getting this done quickly. I may have to think about making one of these.

  5. That's very pretty - summery and feminine.

  6. You have proved yourself again! This is really the colors too.

  7. It's so pretty, I really like the stripes scattered through it. I keep thinking about triangle quilts, but the thought of sewing them together and keeping it all straight has stopped me so far, maybe it's time.

  8. Beautiful! What fabulous fabric choices you made for this. Can't wait to see her all quilted up!

  9. This is really nice! I think you're brave to "just sew it" because I could never do that.

  10. Beautiful! That is brave but what it tells me is that my obsession with arranging and rearranging and arranging and rearranging (and on and on) might be a little overboard! This is going to be an awesome quilt! I gotta get to sewing my rows together today :)

  11. No need to lay it out first when you've achieved such a beautiful result...looks gorgeous and reminds me that I have a triangle quilt that I should get back to, lol!

  12. I like how it came out! Good trick you used for deciding which color/print came next.

  13. This is lovely. It's always fun to see how fabrics play together when using triangles.

  14. Wow! this is absolutely lovely. Yours does look very organized and looks like you paid attention to the placement.

    I loved your brave technique to randomly pick the different colors of triangle. It totally worked.

  15. Looks wonderful. Very pretty.

  16. HI!!!! Beautiful!!!! You are brave and it worked out wonderful!!!!

  17. I have never tried a triangle quilt but now you have me tempted , it is gorgeous !!

  18. Love the results on this one. The pick and stitch method worked well.

  19. You are doing a great job. I love how the colors and different fabrics are playing out.

  20. I think you were really brave using the stripey fabric! At it's come out perfect.

  21. Love how it turned out. Great way to piece the fabrics. I tried it that way once but my OCD of organization took over and I had to lay out my pieces!

  22. Do you have a way to follow you by email? I'm quite tired of bloglovin, don't check google every day, and don't want to miss your posts. Thanks!

  23. Mine is headed to the quilting machine as well!! Love how scrappy and springy yours came out!

  24. Love your colors and fabrics. I made mine for a guy, so I'm not liking the fabrics as well, LOL.

  25. I love, love, love that bright pop of pink! blessings, marlene
