
Monday, March 10, 2014

Tuesday Archives

Val's Quilting Studio

This is my first time participating in Val's Quilting Studio Tuesday Archives.  Simply share an old post that goes with the week's theme.  She is using the alphabet to pick a theme and this week is 'Apples' or 'Applique'.

I found an old post HERE with a row quilt with a row of apples in it. 

This quilt became something special as it went on to be quilted by Sue Daurio.  If you are not familiar with Sue's work - oh you must go see and drool.

Sue and I colaborated to make this quilt a special gift for a special person.  Sarah Craig at Confessions of a Fabric Addict works with her quilt ministry in making and donating so many quilts to those that need to be wrapped in a warm hug.  They rely on donations and I just love sending them blocks and flimsies.  But Sarah herself came upon a time when she needed to be wrapped in warm hugs.  So this quilt went to her - one special lady.  You can click HERE to see more of this quilt up close.

See if you can find an old 'apple' or 'applique' post and share over at Val's.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Sharon - This post brought tears to my eyes!! You are such a sweetheart and the apple quilt is fabulous!! It always amazing me how different a flimsie looks from the finished quilt!!

  2. What a beautiful quilt with a lovely story behind it.

  3. OMG that is gorgeous,thankyou for sharing Sharon.xx

  4. Lovely quilt and story, quilters are some of the most giving people.

  5. That's a beautiful quilt and I'm so happy to hear it went to such a wonderful person, I had to go back and read your original post, I couldn't imagine how I'd missed it.

  6. What a gorgeous quilt...and a wonderful story of the quilt!

  7. Thanks for the shout out Sharon...but even more for sharing this beautiful quilt and story at Tuesday Archives! You started my day with a smile!!!

  8. That is a stunning quilt. I am familiar with Sue's work and she is an amazing person.

  9. This is a beautiful quilt and the quilting sure adds the greatest finishing touches.

  10. What a gorgeous quilt for a very special lady for sure , you are such a sweet person .

  11. It is a gorgeous quilt and I have the unbelievable honor of being able to look at it every single day and think fondly of two of my favorite blog-y friends!! It makes me smile every time I admire your mad piecing skills and Sue's fabulous quilting. Thank you again, so much, for thinking of me!!

  12. That's a lovely quilt Sharon! Sarah lives about 15 minutes from me and I've donated fabric to her ministry. She is indeed a lovely person, and it makes me smile to know that you gave her such a lovely quilt when she was sick :)

  13. A beautiful quilt that went to a beautiful person. Thanks for sharing.
