
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Rescue Me

Wouldn't you like to win this?  A jelly roll of 'Ducks in a Row' by American Jane for Moda- sponsored by Green Fairy Quilts.  WHERE - well, Snoodles, Padsworth, and Dragon Drop of Lily Pad Quilting are hosting a link up of your rescue pet.  So write up a blog post, share some photos and tells us about your rescued loved one.  Even if you don't have a rescue pet to share, there are other options to enter for this jelly roll.

This is my dear, sweet Bella - full name Isabella - the Queen of the house.  She and her twin sister came to me as a resue.  Oh, poor things were so dirty, flea ridden, anemic, infected eyes and poor Bella had the worst infestation of ear mites we weren't sure whether her hearing would be affected.  Unfortunatedly, we lost poor Snippet and Bella went into a bit of depression and lost most of her fur from anxiety - she still sheds mounds when she gets scared.

Then when we had our severe flooding from Irene, we had to leave my sweet furry friend behind when we evacuated (no pets were allowed in any people havens) .  We found her wedged between the kitchen cabinet tops and ceiling.  It took days to get her at least onto the top of the fridge.  A dear, sweet blogging friend made and sent Bella a comfort quilt - how she needed that.  

Then we threw some more trauma at her - yup, Moe in the Box came to live with us because he was a bad boy at his former home.  I don't know if I trained him or Bella, but he is the most pur-fect gentleman here.


And even if she would certainly deny it - I know Bella loves Moe and worries
when she can't find him.  My rescue pet, my queen, my snuggle fur baby - so happy you came into my life.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. It is so wonderful to hear of another rescue pet winning the forever home lottery.

  2. Oh my, you are both so lucky to have each other, and Moe, too. Pets add so much to our lives.

  3. Lovely story Sharon. So heartbreaking to leave your pet during flood time! I was really glad to read that she has recovered both from that and the arrival of Moe.

  4. What a sweet story. It must have been awful to leave her. How lucky your kitties are to have you in their lives.

  5. Bella had quite a start, but I know she is very happy now and her new buddy Moe. Don't you just love kitties.

  6. Sweet story! My rescues have enriched my life ten fold! They are all so special and priceless!

  7. Bella! I love seeing pictures of her, she always looks so sweet and cuddly while Moe always looks like he's ready for anything. Wonderful post.

  8. Wonderful story of rescued pets , your kitties are so sweet :-)

  9. Sounds like a win win for everyone!

  10. Sounds like a win win for everyone!

  11. My daughter had a cat that looked like Bella only alot heavier. You have some good company there

  12. Such sweet kitties! I think a quilt is just not completed until a kitty snuggles in it! So glad you joined us at the linky party!

  13. I loved reading your post - can't imagine having to leave Bella behind - they are both gorgeous and look so comfy in your photos!

  14. Cute kitties! You are so sweet to help them!

  15. I love how Bella's coloring swirls around her nose, she is very pretty!

  16. Such pretty kitties. Bella does like quite queenly in that first picture.

  17. What a wonderful rescue story. Bella is one lucky kitty to find such a wonderful home. LOL on Moe and being a bad boy--so glad he left that part of his life behind. Thanks for sharing a wonderful story.

  18. Wow really a rescue! So glad you are all happy now.

  19. Oh the stories break my heart but I'm glad to know that they have a warm and loving home with you.

  20. Oh my... don't you just wish you could explain situations to them sometimes! My rescue kitty Elsa rarely is out of my sight... she craves connection. They are lucky to have you!
