
Thursday, March 6, 2014

QOV Block Drive

Please visit Kevin HERE for all the information.  BUT, this is such a simple block that quilters of all experience levels can complete at least 5 in an hour.  5 blocks with an hours worth of your time for a very worthy cause.

This is definitely marked on my sewing 'to-do' list for this weekend.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I agree Sharon, this is a great block and is on my to do list too.

  2. Hey, Sharon - I went over to Kevin's to check it out and added a post on my blog!! Great project for us!!

  3. Thanks for passing this along. Definitely on it.

  4. I already committed to at least fiver blocks. I need to write a post about it too.

  5. Great post Sharon and I have committed to making blocks. Kevin is doing a wonderful thing!

  6. Thanks for posting this. Burning up some of my stash for a good cause? I'm all in!

  7. I am going to try to make some time for these QOV blocks myself. I haven't found much time to do anything large for myself lately, but these are such a wonderful cause. Thank you for sharing! :)

  8. It's on my list, too. This is one of my favorite causes. Thanks for the info.

  9. Thanks for posting this Sharon. blessings, marlene

  10. Thanks for posting this about Kevin the quilter, I have pulled fabric from my stash to make some blocks...hey only two seams per block!! I blogged about his block drive too and hope we can get thousands of blocks going his way
    for this great effort to make quilts to comfort our wounded soldiers.

    Nicely done Sharon, see you over on the doll quilt blog :0) ( oh think we are allowed to say something on the doll quilt blog about the block drive?)
    Happy Sewing
